There is More than Enough to go Around
We hear so much talk about the "Secrets to Success," but the truth is there really are no secrets. A successful person likely got there through collaboration (no they did not do it by themselves), belief that they could get where they were striving to go, working hard and consistently, living their life with passion, and knowing exactly who they are.
Those excuses about a geographical location being a hindrance, a poverty mindset, or lack of resources were non-existent to them. They ignored the mindless chatter, believed without a shadow of a doubt that they could and would get around or through the obstacles, and found a way to do so.
Stop trying to find "The Secret" ladies and gentleman. There is no such thing. The answers are, and always have been, before your very eyes. If you can see yourself there (wherever there is for you) then there you will be, as long as you are willing to put in the hard work. If you are waiting for it to all fall in your lap, we will see you in the same place at the end of 2017. You will not be going anywhere. You will be like most people who deny prosperity. Your refusal to work for it will end in you not moving forward to your destiny.
Those who reach success at any level, go out and work for it. They are not searching for secrets that do not exist. They also share what they know and pull others along. They do not hesitant to help another, because they are not threatened by what others accomplished. They know there is enough for us all.
Keep conquering the world, thrivers! There is enough success out there for everyone. Set goals and go out and crush them. Do not wait for undisclosed information to be offered or a magic potion that is supposedly brewing. You will be greatly disappointed if you do. There are no mysteries that need solving, or blueprints waiting out there for you. Make up your mind to put in hard word and keep pressing towards your mark. There you will find the victory.