More than 75% of teachers recognise poor classroom air quality's impact
Teachers recognise the impact of poor indoor air quality on students, as well as colleagues.

More than 75% of teachers recognise poor classroom air quality's impact

A study of teachers in the UK has revealed that more than 75% of UK teachers have noticed the impact of poor air quality on student concentration problems, while more than half have seen its negative effect on performance or grades.

The report, which also looked into school working conditions, also found that nearly three in four (72%), experience 'below standard' indoor air quality.

The survey of teachers at 133 schools across the UK underlines the importance of good air quality for learning outcomes - with nearly three in five deeming a classroom with poor air quality to be 'not fit for purpose' for teachers or pupils.

Impact on student and teacher health

The report also looked at its impact on student health, with 61% of teachers - mainly in urban areas - linking poor classroom air quality with aggravated cases of asthma and other lung conditions among pupils.

The issue is not limited to students: nearly two-thirds of teachers reported its negative impact on staff.

While nearly a third of those working at schools with below-standard air quality revealed that, despite requesting improvements, action had not been taken, over a quarter reported that attempts to improve air quality is prevented due to lack of funding or government help.

A roadmap to funding, air quality improvements and more...

Working with schools across the UK, Novacene has developed an affordable approach to ensuring the best outcomes for pupils, students and the schools themselves.

Designed to equip existing buildings with 'smart' capabilities, the sensor-driven technology allows school leaders to easily measure, monitor and manage a range of factors, including: CO2, humidity, occupancy, energy consumption and more.

Novacene's advanced analytics offer deep insights into the building's indoor air quality, thermal comfort, energy efficiency and more - enabling schools to quickly establish a baseline, before prioritising and tracking improvements.

Discover more by visiting and booking a demo today.



