To be more successful here are 10 reasons why people never break free.

To be more successful here are 10 reasons why people never break free.

Some people love to promote the idea of limitation.? Certain politicians have made a living out of it.

It’s ironic in a world where we can entertain the idea of colonizing other planets, flying cars and solving complex medical problems we can’t help more people rise out of poverty.

Some of the biggest companies in the world are ostensibly committed to “making the world a better place”.? The problem, they seem more interested in the “appearance” of philanthropy and less concerned about its manifestation.???

There are idealogues that seduce disenfranchised groups with disingenuous platitudes.? They appeal to “victims” that believe their personal struggles are the product of external circumstances. ?It offers demagogues immunity for their professional and political failures while using blame and outrage to exact revenge on the apparent perpetrators.? These zealots recruit “mascots” to help them obtain the power and control they crave with the intention of cannibalizing everything in their path once their appetite is satiated.?

You’re welcome to subscribe to the rhetoric of failure and limitation that holds people hostage to promises contingent upon satisfying grievances in the spirit of amelioration.

The real problem, electing activists with no concept of what’s required to “build things” who squander resources and avoid accountability.

When academia becomes politically imbalanced it often becomes an echo chamber for activism.? Maybe that’s why enrollment is declining as people recognize better alternatives more suited in their pursuit of personal and professional ebullience.? ??

Many people believe there's better ways to educate our children.

Teachers in Scandinavian counties for instance are vetted carefully and compensated highly.? There are no long-term commitments based on tenure, and mediocrity isn’t tolerated when it comes to empowering the future.

There’s a reason only 1% or less of the population becomes financially successful.? It’s hard and it requires arduous effort, skill, discipline, focus, acumen and fiscal responsibility.?

Many businesses operate the same way.

Hire the next person in line based on academic pedigree and favoritism.

Healthy corporate cultures are hard to find in world where weak leaders are prevalent and public performance takes precedence over prioritizing people.

So how does the average person apprehend success in a world with such few examples of real success and mentors who model excellence in every aspect of their lives?

“If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got.”

Here are 10 reasons why many people never find true success:


People that struggle with success manage time poorly, and they don’t take ownership of their time.? These are the people that always claim, “there’s not enough time”, but squander their time on meaningless activities.? There’s always plenty of time for what matters most and learning to use time wisely is an art that requires genuine commitment.?


People that lack understanding of their values are susceptible to adopting bad ideas advocated by people with nefarious intentions.? Until we identify our core values, we operate on pure emotion fail to appreciate the importance of rational thinking.? When we embrace time consuming nonsense that sounds great but lacks substance, we get distracted by energy inconsistent with discovering excellence.???


Most people never create more success because they do the minimum required.? The truth hurts, but this gets people into big trouble.? Consummate dreamers and self-proclaimed experts that have never done a thing offer advice with no history of incredible accomplishment.? We will never get the life we want if we don’t do the work most people refuse to do.???


Many people impose limitations on themselves by embracing excuses as an explanation for why they can’t succeed.? Once we eliminate the need to justify our lack of ambition, drive, focus, discipline we can get serious about taking full responsibility for the monumental task of achieving success.


Excuses are one of the biggest reasons people don’t get ahead.? Lack on ingenuity and failure to be realistic often traps people by convincing them they are up against formidable opponents created in their imagination.? When we look for excuses to justify our inability to succeed, we get sucked into the negative energy that coincides with complainers that spend their lives protesting.? Can you image what these people could do if they applied the energy, they do toward destruction to create positive change?

“Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them.”


I am amazed at how many people celebrate the lowest common denominators among us.? Thugs and trash talking punks seem to get exorbitant amounts of attention at the expense of recognizing better heroes.? People that can’t communicate clearly, articulate their thoughts eloquently and convey their thoughts in writing struggle.? To be a success, we need to communicate incredibly well.? ????


I know plenty of successful people that procrastinate.? They celebrate the fact they work well under pressure.? Procrastination reflects our relationship with time.? People that own their time and place emphasis on time, get things done expeditiously and don’t hesitate. As Abe Lincoln famously said, “why put off until tomorrow something we can get done today”.?


Failing to act is a primary reason people stay stuck.? I know plenty of people that have brilliant ideas.? I almost crated Facebook!? The problem, they didn’t because they never acted.? Many people are consummate dreamers.? They scribble great ideas on napkins, and that’s where the idea stays.? People that act accomplish great things and they refuse to stay stuck immobilized by fear and inaction.?


Another major challenge for people is confronting obstacles.? Fixed mindset people see obstacles as failure and refuse to work hard to improve.? They prefer to make excuses and blame everyone for their failures.? People that learn to embrace adversity learn from their mistakes and move forward.? They are constantly improving and constantly growing.


Without a burning desire to succeed we remain apathetic to the idea of success.? We hope for opportunities to fall into our lap.? We hope to win the lottery.? We hope to meet the perfect companion.? Hope has a place in every success story, but without passion, purpose and conviction hope becomes wishful thinking.? Successful people do what is required for as long as necessary to make their dreams materialize.?

“If you are not willing to risk the usual you will have to settle for the ordinary.” —Jim Rohn

Sum it up.

Any other reasons that might be holding people back from becoming successful?? Share your thoughts in the comments section and please like and share this article. I love learning from you as well.

About Steve:

Steve Wohlenhaus is CEO of Weatherology, the leading company in the world at disseminating audio weather information.?? Steve began his career as a major market television weather anchor in Minneapolis, where he received several Emmy Awards for science programming.? Steve is the author and host of the podcast program Anatomy of Success.? Reach out and connect with me on LinkedIn.? Learn more about my work and grab the free Weatherology mobile app by clicking any picture in this article!

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4 天前

Addressing these points you make Steve Wohlenhaus can enhance one's potential for success. Thank you??


Great post! Confidence isn’t just about believing in success, it’s about trusting ourselves to learn from failure and keep moving forward. What helps you maintain an optimistic mindset?

Rania Zervalaki Patrona

I Help Brands Stand Out by Creating Awareness, Visibility, and Lasting Presence to Drive Growth

1 周
Sibel Terhaar

Best Selling Author | +1M Social Media Followers | The Founder of Chasing Kindness

2 周

Very informative Steve Wohlenhaus

Dr Leanne Elich (PhD. GAICD. M.npn)

Sales Psychology | Neuroscientist | Top 20 Women in Business 2023 | Master Neuroplastician? | Helping businesses accelerate using the power of Psychology & Neuroscience | Keynote Speaker | Harvard Graduate | ??

2 周

This is insightful Steve Wohlenhaus! Self-awareness is the first step towards growth.


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