More success, more power, more recognition!...
Mirjana Boznovska
ONE Beyond Success I Future of Work I Human Behaviour I Conscious Leadership I Author I CPA
As a human race, we want more; more success, more power, more recognition, being better and having more of everything! Yes Absolutely....
Choose being better, but not better than others, rather better than you were before
Choose success, but not at the expense of others, rather to lead by example and to be of service to others
Choose power, but not power over, rather power with others
Choose recognition, but not as an objective in itself, rather as a means to a larger objective and truly making a difference
Choose having more, but not for self, rather so you have more to give
Choose to remember your innate being and inherent qualities of integrity, compassion, honesty, humility, generosity, unity and love.
In every situation, in every business transaction, in every team meeting, when you spend time with your family and when you lay awake at night, choose to remember this first and what you seek more of will flow in abundance.