More of Substance than . . .
Through time I've explained that I'd try to connect to people in this network as I am more about connection and shared information than numbers. I do not have many of my friends and others in my circle on my linked in as I am building a different connection here than in my personal circle, sure some of you will find some of my family members here and some of my friends but not all in my inner circle as this is by design.
I'm in contact with people that have some pretty high status positions, here and in my personal circle. I'm familiar with people being busy and responding as able but it's been a month for people with still no response to direct mail regarding some matters that I've inquired about that helps towards me building this national nonprofit. For that reason I've removed them. I share this as i repeat what i've mentioned in the past, I'm not into numbers and more into the connection.
I honestly don't care for attention but speak publicly and handle affairs in public and groups as necessary. Social media and other sites are tools for connection. POPULOUS INDELIBLE was formed out of personal pain and learning of the same emotional experience in others. After learning a bit bout entrepreneurship i found it necessary to use this platform to network, share information and connect with people. The main purpose of this site, for me, is connection to my first born child whom i've lost connection to. From that i've also realized that this means/medium can be used to connect with possible board members, business connections, volunteers and employees. With that in mind what one would find is that i've shared songs and videos to inform and to uplift, while also providing my child (who will eventually look form me) with an idea of the types of songs i listen to, movies i like, things that i learn, the way that i learn and overall get an idea of who i am and what would be observed me listening to, watching and doing had we remained in touch.
About a month ago i've reached out to some people in this network regarding information that they have, and skills they have and use often, regarding some tools and resources that i was considering for the forming nonprofit. After about a month of no contact i've removed them. I've mentioned in the past that i am just fine with just having an individual on this site as long as i know that there is a true connection between us. The name of this is LinkedIn which infers the link between individuals and businesses. That's how i expect to use this. I've provided individuals with the opportunity many years ago to get the framework from me which would allow them to form the nonprofit themselves. It doesn't matter to me who gets the credit nor who runs it as long as it is ran properly and people are truly being helped. After a number of opportunities for people to take over this i've assumed the position and explained to society, politicians and otherwise fellow constituents that i am particular, for me to get into this things will be formed my way and the way that i operate. This is just where we are! I've first had to learn more about entrepreneurship, that's me attending classes from: The Houston Area Urban League, Syracuse University's IVMF - Institute for Veterans and Military Families - programs which is their SPARK program, entrepreneurship program and any other programs that i could afford which was predominantly free programs, University of Houston's SURE - Stimulating Urban Renewal through Entrepreneurship, program, Houston Community College's Entrepreneurship Program, SCORE - Service Corps of Retired Executives- program, ESCOH - Executive Service Corps Of Houston- for learning about matters particular to nonprofits, HBDI - Houston Business Development, Inc and there are probably other organizations for entrepreneurship that i've overlooked, 'hope they forgive me as i've tried to give everyone proper credit. Add to that i've purchased and used books from bookstores and libraries ranging from accounting, finance, entrepreneurship, running a nonprofit, leadership, cultures and business cultures e.t.c. I've learned about and gotten into project management from, and because of , this journey. I've attended online classes from Rochester Institute of Technology, joined PMI and taken on many other opportunities to ensure this nonprofit has the proper foundation and right footing. Get this, i won't even be able to benefit from this as i will be a member but i do this to ensure society and individuals are better. The list is exhaustive in regards to what i had to and continue to endure. This is of little consequence to me in comparison to the overall benefit to society.
I mention this as it expresses how invested i am into this. This linkedIn account wouldn't exist were it not for this forming nonprofit, i love my private life. Thing is, children effect me, and people, that way. My youngest daughter, whom i have a great relationship with, is the main reason i am still in Houston, TX. Were it not for her existence i'd be elsewhere and likely in another occupation. This is a long extended message to you all in hopes that you get the picture: practically everything i say and do is with a purpose. I'm not into talking just to talk and i don't contact just to shoot the breeze. I'm now learning Information Technology, i do that so that we learn more about better opportunities both functionally and financially with our systems. I've taken negotiation classes and read the books for this forming nonprofit. When the business plan gets updated the following would be adjusted (this is what i've learned just recently but is likely to change again):
TRACER ( - $39/mos (
Though there is more to say I've made this lengthy enough. Time is an unforgiving commodity. I try to reach people so that i get needed information when that isn't received, with consideration that lives are really involved and at least a month is provided for response, i've got to release people and let them be as i move on to attain the needed resources, connections and people.
Opportunities were lost for many as a result of this pandemic. I've also lost people on my board as this has taken a lot of time for me to be prepared and acquire knowledge and skills. When this is finally established the public would have a sound business so this is all formed and done out of extreme necessity. As i get into IT and still juggle other affairs my availability will be limited but calculated . . . well, for the most part ;)
*as usual- please excuse all typo's as i've tried to diminish them and where that wasn't possible i've tried to limit them. My time is really constrained so i've then resolved to settle for the overall message at the cost of style.