More on Are there standards for cs timing for responding to residential fire alarm / ISC EAST / help K&K forum grow September 9, 2024
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More on Are there standards for cs timing for responding to residential fire alarm / ISC EAST / help K&K forum grow
September 9, 2024
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More on Are there standards for cs timing for responding to residential fire alarm from article on August 30, 2024
Ken, et al,
It’s my understanding that NFPA standards apply to both residential and commercial fire alarm systems. As far as central station verification, we use Rapid Response and their standard is NO pre-dispatch verification, but they will call the premises after dispatch and relay what they’re told to the responding fire department. This is done because it’s a life-safety dispatch where seconds can make the difference between life and death. We’ve had a few customers request pre-dispatch verification, but we require this request in writing after we provide a written explanation of why we feel this is a bad idea.
Best regards,
Dave Colter CEO
Northmark Security
& Communications LLC
Electronic Systems Contractors
Another comment
Have the person review NFPA 72 Chapter 29 for information regarding residential fire alarms.
Specifically, Section* and the appendix explanation. states fire alarms can be verified before calling FD if the delay is less than 990 seconds.
There are a few issues regarding the verification.
Richard Kleinman
Note: Richard did copy and paste a screen shoot of the rule, but I cannot reproduce it on these emails. Everyone – please print whatever you want circulated on your email so I can copy and paste. Thanks.
Another comment
In response to the query regarding procedure:
If it is good enough for COMMERCIAL establishments to dispatch FIRST and then go down the call list, it is good enough for someone’s residence.
*We have had cases where the ECV call was made, the person states ‘all is OK, don’t send the fire trucks’ (which, once they are on the way do the fire dispatch do NOT cancel in our jurisdictions) and LOW AND BEHOLD THERE BE SMOKE COMING OUT OF THEM THERE WINDOWS!!!
AND……..that is my final answer (on that subject anyway)!
As to why we call a residence when receiving a fire alarm signal:
Reason – you might be SURPRISED at people who don’t remember the difference between the pulsing siren for FIRE v.s. the warble on intrusion alarm!!
ALL THEY WANT IS THE NOISE TO STOP as they are FREAKING OUT and their brain cells have run out their ears and are on the FLOOR………..and all we want is to SAVE THEIR LIVES!
Joseph (Joe) Pfefer Founder & C.E.O.
(Chief Encouragement Officer)
Jade Alarm Co.
It’s apparently an accepted practice that fire departments, once dispatched, will not abort the call, so immediate dispatch of a fire alarm signal is likely to cause lots of false alarms; lives are at stake when there is fire.
The same logic applies for panic alarms and probably a good deal of intrusion alarms, PERS, medical alert, etc. But in these cases verification is not only preferred, it’s required in many jurisdictions all with the justification of reducing false alarms.
I still think cameras are a great way to verify signals. Many of you are selling and installing the cameras, though some of you aren’t getting the RMR out of the remote access or professionally monitoring that camera technology lends itself to. The All in One agreements cover cameras and encourage RMR; get on board and order the updated agreements, both residential and commercial. And, for those customers who don’t want professional monitoring, data storage or even remote access after notification, have them sign the Disclaimer Notice noting the deficiency in their security plan.
ISC East - private meeting
I'm considering going to ISC EAST if there is sufficient interest in private meetings during the day. If you're interested in a private [yes, it's free] meeting please contact Stacy Spector,Esq at 516 747 6700 x 304 or [email protected]. Concierge Clients will have priority. Thanks.
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