If there are no more stakes, then you've already won : a simple way to get what you truly want in life
Jeremy ????♂? Kohlmann
CEO @ Kohlmann Publishing / 1841 coachs et solopreneurs accompagnés / Advisor pour des entrepreneurs entre 0 et 3M/an (coaching, éducation, expertise, creator economy)
I was looking at a video yesterday, a french coach who was telling something that stuck me on my chair.
Not because it was something new…
Not because i disagree with him…
But because he puts words on something i’m telling myself and i’m talking with Florian for the past 12 months.
But first, do you know why most entrepreneurs struggle with business and personal life ?
Because of the stakes.
? What if i fail with my business… ?
? What if i don’t have enough money… ?
? What if this person doesn’t love me… ?
The problem is…
…While you’re worrying about life, you’re not living it.
While you’re worrying about business, you’re not playing.
So here’s the quick tips that changed MY LIFE.
- Write on a piece of paper (maybe a napkin haha) what you truly want in your personal life.
Most of the time, you’ll see that you can get it NOW.
You want to chill with friends, family and people you love on a summit ?
Do it now.
You want more time with your children ?
Take it now.
You want to do ONLY what you love ?
Find a way to do it now.
Ok, so now you’re personal life is exactly what you was hoping to have in the next 20 years.
Next step.
No next step ?
You already have all that you want ?
You won the game.
Everything from now is just bonus, there are no stakes anymore, it’s just a game.
And if it’s just a game, you can’t lose anything.
It’s fun.
There is no limit.
You can think bigger for all your business and life…
That’s exactly what we did with Florian, and how we work.
You want to play with us ?
Apply now : https://morata-kohlmann.com/
See ya,