As I sit here at my desk on Tuesday 2nd January, 2024, I am gazing out of my window watching a small community of sparrows that live in the tops of the bushes just outside. I frequently watch them. Not only are they beautiful, each with their own individual markings, but they cling together all the time. Some days I have counted thirty or more of them. Today there's around a dozen, despite the cold rain.
They remind me of the better things in life but they also remind me of me. Sometimes, in my writing, I flit from one idea to the next just as the sparrows flit from one branch to the next. Sometimes they flutter crazily, making an incredible amount of noise for such small birds, and my brain feels like that when it is full of new ideas all clamouring for my attention. And sometimes, they just stop. They sit there for a moment or two making no noise. That is me as I contemplate a new poem or story. I see myself in these little birds because they never give up, they always come back - and they just make me smile. That is my Creative Writing all over. Sometimes I hate it. Sometimes I wish I couldn't do it. But then a little success comes my way as the sparrows begin to chirp again - and I smile. Writers - let's all Be More Sparrow. Good Luck!