More Simple = More Better
You know the old saying KISS keep it simple stupid? For 95% of the merchants that an agent will see. This should be the mantra chanted in the background.
When I first started in this business all I knew was the rate of 1.69% and the cost of the terminal. That's it! I sold more merchants than I have ever have per month in those first few months. I'm the type of person who craves more knowledge and went searching. I found an online resource called "The GreenSheet." At that time(2006), I must have read every post since inception learning more and more.
Having all of this extra knowledge made me feel empowered! I can remember going out and spewing all of these details to the potential merchant. "Hey, Mr. Merchant, do you know what your mid-qual rate is? or non-qual? how about your pin-debit network fee? did you know about AVS?" The list goes on and on. Remember this is circa 2006 so things were a bit different.
Do you know what those potential merchants response were?.......... their eyes became glazed and usually said, "OK thanks for the info, but I don't have time for this right now." I was confused. Why has my success rate dwindled? Sharing more and educating merchants, shouldn't they be impressed and ready to sign with a young guy who has shown so much about how to help their business? I giving them "gold nuggets" here!!
Well, I bet most know the direction this is going. As I throttled back the knowledge and limited my "gold nuggets" to "gold dust" my closing ratio increased. Remember at the core there are only a handful of personality types. with time you will learn who needs a sprinkle and who needs a whole nugget to close the deal.
Happy Selling,
Derrick Hess
Processing Solutions Inc.
tel: 985-401-1178 ext. 101
mobile: 504-722-4785
email: [email protected]