No More Silence! Take a Side.
Mohamed Ahmed
Executive Director Average Mohamed Organization, Communication specialist for Republican People of Color PAC. 2020 State Department Citizen Diplomat, 2018 Global Ties Citizen Diplomat, Bush Foundation Fellow
What would you do for Freedom, Liberties and Rights?
Would you take on a powerful FBI arm of your own government?
Would you give others in centers of power a chance to rectify situation?
Would you write a book?
An introduction and write a second book the body coming and a third book for conclusion.
Would you be patient while still being stripped of Freedom, Liberties, and rights constantly over years?
Your destiny decided by agency and their unleashed volunteers now in what you are allowed to do as a free person like the life of a communist in China not American in an awesome democracy?
Or would you keep silent and accept the unacceptable in the name of FEAR?
Fear to lose life, being destroyed called conspiracist, and oh they love this one CRAZY!
Those questions I have pondered long and hard.
I have more questions than answers but act I knew I must.
I have come to conclude that it is not in the interest of this current regime of Democrats with power over us for us right leaning activists who happen to be black,?
Muslim and foreign-born Americans to be free to do works out here.
I stopped applying for grants to do works now.
I am fully self-funding all my projects now. Because that door the FBI shut down off the books means.
There is no equity, equality, equal opportunity allowed by the FBI and my government accepts it.
That means no resources allowed.
No chance Merit is allowed.
It is the worst nightmare one can go through in an awesome great Democracy America.
It is as best as I can put it. Group Think gone rogue in application of power over its citizen.
I have asked privately, lobbied privately, and asked publicly you all bear witness.
The result is the same old same old. After decades patiently waiting for change. It dawned on me the new dawn of Freedom, Liberties and rights will not come without us toiling against this darkness of National Security Paranoia to usher it in.
Now the time has come to take this issue further.
To the people.
?It is in your name and power this is being done. Should you not know?
The courts, streets, never ending Surveillance power, media, even this communication means is FBI domain to micromanage and control us in with labels now Weaponized against us to impose their power.
It is not just terrorism and criminality they stop now but Free People control means too.
I learned to fear less and have two overriding missions now.
To promote Freedom, Liberties and Rights domestically and globally.
While taking on our awesome so-called Freedom, Liberty and Rights espousing government.
National Security Paranoia of us leaning Right by this group think now centralized and Weaponized.
Must Go! Or we get destroyed in the process of saying that publicly and now working publicly to expose.
I wrote in the introduction book: “Average Mohamed freedom Fighter”. America is not a racist country, it is not a people so craven to not allow us rights, freedoms, and liberty. America is truly the land of the Free. When our government gets out of the way. But our FBI is now straight right in the middle of our way to Freedom, Liberties and Rights.
Hence doing what all American race of People have done. Rebel publicly and expose it by any legal means necessary now. Oh, they will be consequences to me. But after pondering what I lose by my silence. The answer I came up with, this is all worth it for the advancement of Free Peoples Power now.
I wrote in the book; this country is the last bastion of Freedom. We intend to keep it that way.
That Freedom is under threat now. For I nobody citizen but an Average Mohamed chose to speak out.
I am a pioneer of this new age system of the FBI for the masses now.
I warned what the black people of America told us Muslims post 9/11 terrorist attacks, you are the new blacks?now?to the FBI. I warn all republicans now post January 6th?insurrection. Republican activists across America already know this.??We Muslims are telling you; Republicans are the new Muslims to the FBI now. Black people and Muslims are minorities you can almost get away with anything they FBI, acolytes, volunteers, and our government does to us.
Republicans you have the numbers to change that trajectory. Not just for you but us all too. The democrats will not do it for us now, they have become statists now and Weaponized the FBI against you all.
We are all either Free or Not.
I chose Freedom, Rights and Liberties!
You should too.
Damn be the consequences now. Let them call us new labels. They already called us threats!
I will gladly walk into their jail laughing, with joy and Love in my heart without hate but eyes on the Prize.
One must sacrifice for the betterment and preservation of Freedom, Liberties, and rights.
Let America be America I wrote the introduction book. “Average Mohamed Freedom Fighter”
We the nobody citizen have work to do now to secure our Freedoms domestically.
We need Allie’s, Friends, and Partners now to the cause of Freedom.
Will you be one!?
This fight needs to be even now for they are playing demigod with us now.
With National Security Powers bestowed unchecked and uncontrolled done in darkness.
Let me bring light to their actions now. In order we may save our Freedom, Liberties, and rights for
Posterity of all American race of People.
I leave you with this quote from a president who understood us all. Ronald Reagan taught us all:
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
The current administration and FBI do not get this about us Americans race of People.
Training Consultant
1 年Sometimes neutrality allows a group or individual to step in and mediate communication between disagreeing sides rather than taking a side and continuing an escalation.