In our last post we told you problems why a Do-It-Yourself Divorce is the wrong way to go. Now let us explore why!
The State of Connecticut requires both parties to a divorce to complete and exchange financial affidavits at the start of a divorce. All assets and liabilities of the spouses must be disclosed along with other information. However not every party to a divorce operates truthfully. Some see certain assets as theirs alone and not part of the joint marital property. This is often the case in divorces where a party to the divorce is self-employed. Interpreting these financial affidavits takes experience and training that only an experienced divorce attorney would have gained. The layperson is not going to notice hidden assets. An experienced divorce attorney also has other told at his or her disposal to determine the truth of the financial affidavit of the other party. These include interrogatories, demanding additional production, deposing the other party under oath. Doing your own divorce could result in your not uncovering hidden assets. Attorneys also have a network of experts they can rely on to help ferret out hidden assets. Those hidden assets then do not come into play in the division of property when you try to do your own divorce. Doing your own divorce can lead to your not getting your due in your divorce.
Check back again for future posts on more reasons why a Do-It-Yourself is the wrong decision.
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