Be More Proactive and Less Reactive to Achieve Higher Success
Lisa Mulhern
Queen of Working Smarter Not Harder helping ambitious time strapped women in business to scale for more income and more impact!
Let's talk reactive vs proactive! I know which I prefer to be, although I admit at times it is a struggle. Something that needs to be consistently worked upon. So what's the pro's and con's. Well let's see:
Reactive people go about life unprepared and unplanned. We all know someone like this, I know I do for sure. And guilty confession, sometimes I envy them, they always just seem so oblivious and carefree, and yet seem to get by in life all the same. To put it simply reactive people, wait around until things happen and then decide to do something or not. Rather than worry about things that might crop up, or anticipate hurdles that might come their way.
However, the downside to these easy breezy, cool as a cumcumber type people are that they usually have unclear goals and intentions for what they want and often use their feelings and conditions as excuses to not get work done and are often driven by their feelings and emotions. Again I'm sure when I just said that, someone came to mind, we all know at least one of these people.
For example, they commonly use excuses like “I can’t run today because it’s raining” or “I can’t do this thing until this happens.” They are more likely to blame others and hardly take full accountability for their actions or lack of effort. They also tend to build their lives around other people’s emotions, making them feel more dependent and reliant on others. Admittedly we can all be guilty of this at times, but what differentiates us, is these reactive types stay in this fixed mentality, that victim mindset of lack and limiting beliefs.
Proactive people are the direct opposite. They are and strive to be organized as much as possible, remembering of course that life does happen, no matter how prepared we are, we can't foresee every eventuality. And they always take accountability and ownership. Proactive people always see failure as an opportunity to learn and do better, the look for the silver lining kind of person, glass half full as opposed to half empty. Their behaviours and actions are a conscious choice as a direct result of their values or morals.
These people use others as inspiration, model success, but compare it to their values before they react and hardly feel dependent on others. They are confident and believe they have what it takes to get it done, and they never wait for success to come; they make it come to them. They act and never avoid it or make excuses. With these attributes, it’s obvious to see why being more proactive leads to more success.
Here are a few ways to be more proactive and less reactive in life:
Always Look for Ways to Improve
Research shows that those who look for things to do at work rather than wait for instructions from higher-ups are more likely to get promoted. Don’t wait around for change to happen or for the stars to align perfectly to go after your goals finally.
Act and understand that it is your responsibility and only yours to get going. Find more ways to educate yourself and never skip opportunities that allow you to improve or invest in training.
Understand Your Values, Morals, and Goals
Have weekly self-evaluations and highlight what you believe in and hope to strive for. Use these morals to guide your day and to control your emotions to stay on the right path.
Strive and Welcome Change
Anticipate problems and never expect things to stay the same. Change and stepping out of your comfort zones are crucial to personal and professional growth. Long-term success relies on your ability to adapt and change as needs change. Otherwise, you’ll only be left behind.?
Ultimately being proactive is about acting and finding what you need to do to get the things you want done. Don’t let your emotions or lack of action take away your chance of success. Use these tips instead to be more proactive with your life and accomplish more of your dreams.
Let me know in the comments, what is your biggest struggle when it comes to remaining proactive?