More please, I need more.
Carrillo Pinto
Estudio54 Creator, Founder and 1st CEO. Worst case scenario, you found me.
Back in 2004, when we didn't really know where Myspace was headed to at all and, we had no clue of who Mark Zuckerberg was or, what he intended to do with Facebook, fortunately, thanks God, we are still on time: we now know what was is all about.
More, more, more.
It was all about more, more attention, more followers, more likes, more comments, more publicity; a game plan, a marketing strategy, a new me.
And an media agency was created. Me.
Follow me. I read that in the Christian bible, am I wrong? no, I'm not. it only took me a few years to realize that it was all about capturing someone else's attention and then, boom! yes boom! why not? why not if you don't really know what is it that I'm pursuing?
If I can make you believe that I have become your "influencer", then, you should be happy to "follow" me, why not? have you noticed all the value that I bring to the table and how much you are improving yourself with my "influence"? Not really.
Who are you? I'm your influencer, I'm the one you should follows, I'm the new currency, I'm a "potential" you in the future; I'm here to change your life. Wrong. You can't change my life. I know that for a fact.
And 2012 came around and we had all these "influencers" telling you how much you need them and how stupid you are on the basis that "you don't have any value" Hmmm, I know where you are coming from, you wanna make me believe that you have the solution for most of my problems, don't you? Yes. That's exactly what I'm pursuing, that's the reason I want you to follow me. I can fix your life.
Tony Robbins, Richard Branson, Robert Keyosaki, Garyvee, Tai Lopez, etc, they all wanna make you believe they can change your life. Nobody can but you. Well, let me complete this phrase if you happen to be a Christian, not you but god.
They cracked the code, they realized back in 2011 that social media was the best avenue to get more, more & more, but more what? love, more love, inequitable love, a lonely love that only LinkedIn influencers know, a pricey love, the love that allows them to breath every single morning, the love that will eventually let them do another keynote and charge more money for an interview. That love, the love for more, more, more.
They don't care about you, the never did. however, they are experts in making you believe that they are all in for you, that in they can change your life, well, their purpose have been fulfilled. Not true. And you fall in their arms and they fell your love for them and, they are happy. They get you, you have nowhere to go. They represent whatever you wanna be in life and they know it. You wanna know how is it that they know it? easy, because of their statistics, metrics, they new measure of love.
If you only knew, they say, they are just waiting for AI to make the work for them and get more, more, more love, an irreproachable amount of love, a love that no man has ever seen; the love for attention. That love. The disease of the millennial. Attention.
The difference between you and them is that they saw it coming back in 2009, you didn't and, that is the reason they have capitalized so much so far. Little that I know, they are charging 85K for a keynote at a local downtown Holiday inn. And it's because of you, because of the love that you have provided for them, for people that will never remember you and that could care less about you. "Let me sign your book" and you get excited, you are finally getting their love back. Not true, they are just collecting another paycheck.
And that is Social media 101 for you that didn't know what is going on and how is it that we came this far. Very easy, is all about love, about the love that for some reason has avoided you, the love that you didn't get from your parents, friends, relatives, etc. Well, they were very smart, they knew how to make you believe that you were finally have a mentor, a what? yes, a mentor... Are you talking to me? okay, if that is the case...
Get lost, I don't need influencers, I don't need people telling me how they have change the world, I only need to move on with my life, be there for whoever needs my help without telling people what is next in their life, because, who am I? nobody.
And yes, unfortunately, a there are two sides of a coin. More, more, more, it was all about more. That's all they want. More. The more I get, the more happy I am. So they need you, they need you to follow them so they can be happy. Good call!