Are there more people moving in or out of China?
SAE RELOCATION | Family and Business Relocation Services
China’s Leading Relocation Provider for both Businesses and Families
This question is the most frequent question we are being asked when having a chit-chat... and the answer has always been the same over the years.
More people moving out.
However, depending on the year that question is being asked, the reason may be slightly different.
In regular time, we (as a moving company) see more people moving out than moving in simply because many people may move to a country without moving things...
However, after several years in the country and growing a home, when it's finally time to move out, getting rid of everything may be very difficult and excess luggage may not be enough. This is when we come into the picture.
But there are other reasons why more people are moving out from China than moving in:
Here you go, now you know.