More ocean warming pulls  atmospheric CO2 level down in 2024+15=2039 ?

More ocean warming pulls atmospheric CO2 level down in 2024+15=2039 ?

Scientists from "Scripps Institute" did the N=6629 oceanic measurements more than 60 year ago :

  • For SST between +15°C and +20°C (before 1979) we see the peak maximum for ocean water to exhale CO2 into the atmosphere.
  • For SST more than +25°C ocean water inhales CO2 out of the atmosphere.
  • For SST between +5°C and +25°C ocean water exhales CO2 in the atmosphere.
  • For SST below +5°C ocean water inhales CO2 out of the atmosphere.

  • But the cold polar circles circumferences kilometers are negligible compared to the warm equator circle circumference kilometers.
  • So the warm equator SST square kilometers above 25°C dominate the ocean CO2 absorption rate in ppm/year.

  • Average ocean temperature is now between +20°C and +25°C on the rising slope for gradually more equator ocean CO2 absorption according to the Scripps Institute CO2 oceanic scatterplot.
  • It took 2024-1979=45 years to warm the ocean from 20°C to 21°C.

But global warming is going almost 3x faster now with the energy imbalance at 1400mW/m2 now versus only 500mW/m2 in the seventies.

So in 45years/3=15years 3x more ocean warming will make atmospheric CO2 level go down in 2024+15=2039 ?


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