More News For The Fall~Concierge Jo-Anna
I have finally settled, for the moment, in West Palm Beach as my USA base. It will be lovely to be able to skip the winter gloom this year, & concentrate on writing & finally performing again stateside!
I'll be publishing often in Medium , especially in the "Live Your Life On Purpose" collection, which suits me perfectly!
I have updated my Concierge Jo-Anna@Corporate Caretaking & affiliate pages, including an "Ask Concierge Jo-Anna" column, with helpful tips & tools, a Portfolio Showcase, an Entrepreneurial Spirit Boutique page, which will feature products I love, & a Food For Thought collection, with editorials, quotes & fables.
You can find a bit of everything, including how to book or buy anything I create, & how to sign up for email campaigns & other projects, on my contact landing page: Concierge Jo-Anna~Communications Connector
I hope to hear from everyone soon. There are so many projects to kickstart this fall. Let me know how I can help!
Concierge Jo-Anna~Communications Connector