More Mortgage Appointments
The follow Up Call

More Mortgage Appointments

Ten things you can do today to generate more mortgage appointments:

1: Speak to your existing client.

2: Speak to your existing client.

3: Speak to your existing client.

4: Speak to your existing client.

5: Speak to your existing client.

6: Speak to your existing client.

7: Speak to your existing client.

8: Speak to your existing client.

9: Speak to your existing client.

10: Speak to your existing client.

The more relevant and topical communication you can have, with the very people that have already experienced your amazing service, the more introductions you will receive.

Don't just wing the conversations, prepare for them. Consider the topics you want to discuss and how it adds value to the working relationship. Here are just a few of the topics I have discussed recently.

  • 1: Recent announcement of Bank of England rate pause
  • 2: How did a recent house move go and are they enjoying their new home.
  • 3: War in Ukraine and how it has affected family here in UK.
  • 4: Request for a 5 star google review
  • 5: Outlook of economy and forecasts for future rate changes
  • 6: Recent political party conferences ( Glitter-Gate )
  • 7: Recent correspondence from lenders confirming rate reductions
  • 8: How much value I brought to the house buying process.
  • 9: Rugby World Cup...come on Wales!
  • 10: Increase in anxiety and stress in UK due to cost of living and rate rises.

All of these are real conversations that I have had. More importantly, they are all conversations I have had since the clients mortgage completed.

For many mortgage advisers, they consider their job done once completion has taken place.

That is so wrong.

This is where the job really starts. It needs to be part of your referral brain process.

The Follow Up Call


