More Money? How to Turn Your Salary Into Pocket Money Without Quitting Your Current Job, Without Stealing Your Employer’s Time or Money or Resources.
Environmental Eng. Simon Mandhlaenkosi Bere (M.Sc.)
?Professional Speaker?Consultant, Trainer and Teacher in Strategy, Planning, Performance, Problem-Solving & Solutions?H2O?Waste?Climate, Pollution, Environment ?SDGs ?Leadership?Entrepreneurship/Busimness/Marketing/Sales
Some years ago, I was surfing the internet when I came across a certain website that was talking about the plight of many career people and their plight. On this site was also an audio interview with a money making expert. ?Afterwards I came across two second hand books, at different times, that talked about success and money. Most of what I am saying is from these three resources.
The website and one of the books pointed out that many career people and professionals around the world do not get salaries big enough mainly to meet their basic survival needs. A few of these people get enough money to give their children good education, yes. But when it comes to bigger things like owning property and assets, most people never make it because they do get enough from their jobs, even by saving, to invest into these areas.
Now, some of these people, especially in Africa, get demotivated and become very unhappy at their workplaces and stop putting their best effort forward, making the companies, organisations, businesses they work for, and economies they work in, to suffer from under performance. ?Some end up resorting to the unorthodox to make ends meet, including stealing time, money and other resources from their employers.
Many employed people kind of live in this belief that they cannot legitimately and authentically have more money than they are getting from their formal employer. They are resigned to “living within their means” that they get from their employers. Other also believe that to make any extra money, they have to have a serious side hussle in which they have to be heavily physically involved and therefore taking away time from their job and weekends. All this is clearly now true.
Turning Your Salary Into Pocket Money
The most interesting things I got from these four resources combined was how easy it was for anyone interested to earn a lot more money elsewhere compared to what the person is earning at one’s current job. One of these sources talking about literary turning your salary into pocket money. They gave some great, practical, ideas that anyone interested could use to earn this much money. Their emphasis was that all of the ideas could be done,
·?????? Without quitting one’s job or career
·?????? Without stealing time, money and resources from your employer
·?????? Without engaging in any criminal activities or in corruption
·?????? Without borrowing money to consume from your bank or loan providers
·?????? Without any hard training and education
·?????? With high integrity and honesty
One of the experts told of a story when he held a workshop attended by sixty people where he shared his ideas. He collected their contact details and called them after two months to find out if they had tried any of the ideas and strategies for turning their salaries into pocket money. Only one person said she had tried four ideas and they were all working well for me. I
There are always many solutions to our problems, the only two problems are either that we are not aware of the solutions or we do not use the solutions after we become aware of them.
So how about you? Do you want more money? Do you want to turn your salary into pocket money? Are you serious? Then take action. Contact +263-77-444-74-38 if you are serious.
[email protected] ?+263-77-444-74-38
?Simon Bere, 2024