More MONEY or more FREEDOM?
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More MONEY or more FREEDOM?


The PANDEMIC has sped up the shift to a society in which technology has made it possible for us to work REMOTELY, SYNCHRONOUSLY, and for some for the first time, more FLEXIBLY. We can organize our lives around our work and time while still constructing a meaningful and fulfilling life. But in REALITY, is it really that blissful? The truth is that the road is ROCKIER than it seems. Many companies have implemented systems that CONTROL every single mouse flow to TRACK how efficiently people work remotely, and these tools have become the surest path to maximize productivity. The human mind has been fitted with STRICT manufacturing-based expectations and completely new standards practically overnight. Did you know that most of the STRESS, frustration, and anxiety in the world today comes from working very hard on IRRELEVANT repetitive tasks??Those who wish to take the reins of their work must be ready for the UNCERTAINTY of their careers, and they are expected to adopt new workflows with the same SPEED as machines. And because of the huge PRESSURE on the workforce, requirements such as higher KPIs each day, more emails, more calls, more multitasking, and endless to-do lists lead people to consider QUITTING their jobs. DOUBTS about the internal “workplace wellness” programs, and care less about so-called benefits and cash bonuses, are increasing. After years of working, they find themselves in a state of being ENSLAVED, physically and mentally BROKEN, running in a circle that seems to have NO way out. And while they are looking for another job opportunity around the corner they weigh between options either to choose the one where the SALARY is good enough to afford a DECENT life and put some money on the side each month or the one which allows them FREEDOM, so they can have time for more VALUABLE things. But why do we even need to decide between the two in the first place??

Illusion of full time remote friendly culture


“Be SILENT, shut your mouth, work hard and appreciate that you have a normal job that allows you to pay your bills” you hear whispering mostly from OLDER generations. In all this available worldwide data, I am wondering why our statistics and metrics don’t measure BULLSHIT. Companies are TIME TRADERS, they buy other people’s time, so workers' time is not theirs. Taking most of the time of a MAN means that he is unable to have a significant IMPACT on the world, and therefore he loses his MEANING for EXISTENCE. Some predictions claim that the business models where people trade their time for a salary, which then allows them to SUPPORT their lifestyle, will soon fall apart. The reality is that the individual has always had to STRUGGLE because life is not about being happy 24/7. But what DESTROYS a man more quickly than to WORK to THINK and FEEL without the PLEASURE, inner PURPOSE and without burning DESIRE – as a mere automation of duty? A few open-minded companies are leading the way toward that “FUTURE OF WORK”. The good thing is that the emergence of a new thinking model has already elevated the idea of freedom at work to the centre of HR discussions. The new workforce seeks to manage their TIME as freely as their personal circumstances permit. In the last few years, we have witnessed the emergence of new lifestyles where people can make money through PASSIVE revenues and REMOTE work of so called-digital nomads. In the future, companies will have to ADJUST and give employees more FREEDOM in order to keep their talents and valuable workforce. An organizational structure that encourages greater initiative for personal development, limitless holidays, and flexible working hours are just a few examples of INNOVATIVE efforts which are being TESTED lately. By giving workers more freedom and flexibility, these initiatives could be important steps toward the future of work. However, for now, a completely freedom-based workplace still seems to be a DISTANT future for the majority of companies. No wonder why many young people decide to step on the SOLO entrepreneurial path, ready to RISK everything and FAIL as many times as needed in order to create their own generational WEALTH, and I support these guys with all my heart! If you are going to try, go all the way.

Time costs lives


How many of you are WASTING your time instead of implementing more DISCIPLINE into your daily life? The past, present, and future are three distinct periods of time that we all humans have in common. The PAST is immutably fixed because you cannot change it anymore, but you still have full control over your PRESENT and FUTURE. Based on the research (Published by Gemma Curtis, 2021), the average human spends roughly 79 YEARS on planet Earth. If we take a closer look at how we spent our time in life it would be 33 years in BED, 13 years at WORK, 11 years behind the SCREENS, 4 years EATING, 3 years of HOLIDAYS, 1 year of EXERCISING, 1 year of ROMANCE, 1 year of SOCIALIZING, and 1 year at SCHOOL. The rest that stays is approximately 8 YEARS of FREE time to do whatever we want. Let's take a look at the extreme scenario of a man who has been put in prison. 24 hours per day has been taken AWAY from him and all of his time is OUT of his control. Do you think he is waking up with a PURPOSE? No, he is just trying to SURVIVE day by day. But let's switch to a less brutal scenario, for example, a full-time job requires 8 hours a day, and you sleep 8 hours per day which is together 16 hours per day, meaning the MAJORITY of the time in a day is OUT of your control! Not that far from a PRISONER anymore, right? What do you do with the extra few hours in a day when you have free time? Do you really want your LIFE jar looks like that? If you love your job, congratulations, this article is not the right for you, except if you are a business owner who wants to make a CHANGE within the organization. Also, if your 9-5 hour week job is fulfilling or if you like to spend time sleeping and prefer relaxing behind the screen then good, you can stop reading, and it's nothing wrong to LEAVE the situation like it is and enjoy how your life flows. But for many other people, I believe, this is simply NOT an ideal scheme of how you want to SPEND your life. That means you need to STEP OUT of the SYSTEM. The system of limited thinking, framed beliefs, and ordinary business structure. Basically, it means you need to step out of yourself and become someone else, someone ABOVE average, and to take RESPONSIBILITY for your TIME and grow more RESILIENT to hardships of life.

Your life in numbers


Theoretically not. FREEDOM is the capacity and independence of an individual to choose an action among at least two available options. But NOT without consequences. Meaning that all the decisions in our life involve OPPORTUNITY COSTS. And in the economy, opportunity costs represent the BENEFITS that are LOST by not choosing the other best investment alternative. Basically, it means if we pick, for example, a day with our family instead of meeting with a potential business partner, it means the LOSS of potential INCOME because we decided to choose another ALTERNATIVE. The same if you are deciding between applying to a full-time college or working abroad. No matter what you select, there will be an opportunity cost. Each CHOICE you make has positive or negative REPERCUSSIONS and may COST you in a different material or non-material ways. If resources are limited in life, especially when talking about goods, money, and time, we are always BARGAINING in our heads between options and alternatives. Some people would like to have more money and some of them prefer more freedom. But can we have BOTH at the same time? I haven't met a person yet who would refuse to have enough MONEY to afford the life they DESIRE and to have enough free TIME for doing what they ENJOY the most. The conflict appears in the interpretation of the definition of FINANCIAL FREEDOM by each person. One person defines it as being entirely debt-free, another person defines it as shopping with complete assurance that they have enough money in their account to pay the bill, and for some, it could mean travelling the world without thinking of getting broke. So the CRUCIAL point is that having a specific NET WORTH does NOT necessarily mean being financially free. Everyone experiences it differently because it is the state of mind of an INDIVIDUAL. But what is in common to all is that in the system we live in today FINANCIAL SECURITY somehow creates PSYCHOLOGICAL freedom because the idea of no longer experiencing constant financial stress, and worries about the future sets your MIND free.



The role of people in technological EVOLUTION became reduced when automation appeared. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) is anticipated to have a big IMPACT on jobs and work in the future, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. We can automate plenty of monotonous data-driven processes, and work more efficiently, flexibly, and from any part of the world thanks to it. But we must exercise CAUTION. The promise of efficiency given by technology has so far led also to miscommunication, system errors, soaring to-do lists, and information OVERLOAD, which unavoidably leads to dissatisfaction and bad working performance. Building new communities to support and nurture the understanding of what it means to be a HUMAN is vital to the future of employment. The FREEDOM to break away from the noise, and digital distractions at any time and return fresh and focused. An innovative decentralized ECOSYSTEM with TRANSPARENT information flow based on the COMMUNITY, not hierarchy, is required. The future of work is a new MINDSET where achievement is built in MEANING and where PEOPLE, FREEDOM, and COLLABORATION are valued above rivalry. Changing the paradigm of the employer-employee relationship to one in which a member of a community is not an employee but a business CO-CREATOR who is trusted to work efficiently on their own terms. In this new age of hyper-change and growing uncertainty, the only way to THRIVE is through constant change and innovation, by implementing new IDEAS, challenging yourself and thinking BORDERLESS. Those who wish to be leaders in the new workplace of the future need to step up for a big CHANGE. The success of those business models comes from understanding the cognitive and distinctive qualities of HUMANITY. None of us is a machine. We are HUMAN BEINGS with a high level of self-awareness and unfathomably creative, empathic, and interpersonal abilities.

Leaders of the future

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Stanina Geri?

art-buy consultant at freelance

2 年

An apple don't fall to much away from the apple tree...


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