More Millionaire and Billionaire Hacks!
Another wealth hack a lot of millionaires and billionaires use is 'scarcity'.
That could be in scarcity of product and scarcity of availability.
The more exclusive your product, service and you are the more likely it will be sought after more. Of course, this doesn't apply to all products, services, and people but for the right personal it will work.
Here is one for you say for an example you are a coach, and you see someone posting win socials every day, selling, everything is fast fast and a lot of the industry are doing the same. Why not trial the exact opposite, focus on high quality content but less often thereby creating a thirst for you from your audience. Make sense?
This can be difficult to implement when like me you are an over sharer but relax, trust in you, trust in your content and try it. When I have implemented this, I have had fantastic results. Note to self-Gary!
Look at Rolex for example, is it any coincidence that they don't make enough watches for demand? They have waiting lists for years!
Wealthy people overall do not focus on price they focus on value. When you get the value proposition right you in essence can right your own cheques. People will pay for high value.
Another hack and tool I have seen very successful people utilise is making it easy for you and I to find their material and purchase their product or service. The give give and then sell. They serve with loads of free content then sell you their high-quality content by which time they have developed the know, like and trust principles.
We the public like 'speed' speed of information, speed of delivery, speed of information etc. I know many very successful businesses and entrepreneurs have now added Apps to their already established traditional websites because they know most people are on their phones constantly and an App offers speed of access.
Think speed, think convince, think reducing. /Eliminating barriers to purchase.
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