More means less - THE CONCEPT OF AI - 8
Honest Omonfuegbe
I'm either building a Software product, or sharing insight on the tech of today that's shaping the realities of tomorrow
It's the early 1900s and Sir Nikola Tesla is telling everyone who cares to listen that in the not-so-distant future, humans will be able to send messages to their loved ones halfway round the way in a matter of minutes. everyone can have one of those devices in his/her pocket and I can imagine the awe as they joined in his optimistic vision of the future or their disappointment as they made a mockery of his out-of-this-world beliefs in the impossible.
100 years later, Sir Tesla's vision of the future (regarding communication devices in pockets) is a reality but little did we imagine the paradoxical reality that easier communication will lead to less meaningful communication.
The chances are high that in the future we'll have to deal with higher cases of loneliness due to reduced interpersonal association.
As the age of AI ripens by the day, it will become a lot more possible to get "work" done almost without needing any human assistance. Freedom comes at a cost. Generating Images, videos, and flyers, automating ads, writing compelling copies, automating manufacturing processes, and enhancing communication, and language translation, our newfound freedom will not be an exception. Well, if you think people are going to use this newfound spare time to spend time with their families and loved ones, then please give that thought a rethink.
As technology advances and creates more possibilities, it turns out, we tend to lose meaningful human connection. Hey Therapist! Brace yourself up. It just may be that the future will need you as much as it needs AI (in Morgan Freeman's voice) ??
Take a deep look at history. Most humans will try to compete with AI like they've always attempted to do with previous technologies. Others will try to use AI in their competition but I'm sorry; we've all got access to these tools also. There are some that will just not be part of that competition. AI will be just another tool in their arsenal. We can't be too sure of who exactly they are but we can be sure of three things.
The first of them is that I'm glad you read this far. I imagine having this conversation with you sitting across the table in a beach restaurant having a cup of hot tea. Getting the chance to share one of my most passionate topics with an interested stranger is a way to get back in touch with human connection. A way to make sure the future doesn't rob us of that.
The second and the third, believe me, I can't wait to let you know. Will you share this article with another human being or will you leave that to the algorithm?