More Marian Poetry . . .
The fine folks at The Christian Century have published recently two of my Marian poems: "constantly risking," and can be found by clicking on
It first appeared on-line on March 11th and is currently in the March 25th hard copy.
If you missed my annual Christmas poem in The CC, "how is It in," you can still visit it by clicking on
There'll be no Easter poem of mine this year in The CC, so this one'll have to do until later sometime.
Otherwise, in these challenging times perhaps you have more time to read poetry and think about its implications -- as I too have more time to write and think.
This particular poem seems especially a fan-favorite partly because of its stockpiled poetry allusions to Lawrence Ferlinghetti, John Berryman, Terry O'Leary, and Anne Sexton -- not to mention Jesus Himself in the New Testament.