More Lunch Time for Students?
Ozgur Ayrilmaz, MBA, PMP
I believe that the time kids have to finish their lunch should be increased, because the amount of time they have currently is only in the range of 15 to 20 minutes, which is not enough to finish even half of their lunch! Frequently, young pupils should have 30 minutes or more! Children are becoming less lively when in class. Hunger is also an issue when it comes to eating and finishing lunch. Elementary students should not be treated in such a way, so that is why us, kids, should have more time to complete all of our lunches.
Less food means less energy throughout the day! A more extended lunch time means that the teachers receive more attention and energy in class. This is because if children finish their food, they will be happier. Juliana Cohen, an adjunct assistant professor at the Department of Education at Harvard Chan University says, ‘’’…rely on school for up to half their daily energy intake.’’ Also, why would you want kids to not get enough education as a result of them being unable to finish their meal at lunchtime? Students need that energy to make it through the school day, and a fully completed lunch provides just that!
Children can get very hungry if their stomachs did not get all the food they need! So, students need to be allowed to eat all of their delicious food. One of the many reasons why students should not be hungry is because the kids will starve the whole day until they get home! Harvard Chan University says, ‘’The researchers found that students with less than 20 minutes to eat lunch they consumed…, also, there was more food waste among groups with less time to eat.’’ Without finishing their whole meal, students will slack off! Would you really want kids not to learn new or other subjects? That would be very, very bad because no one would learn anything! Eating is astonishingly essential, and we need to make sure kids are getting all the food they need.
All ages of children rush, especially when it comes to the time for lunch because obviously, no one gets to finish it. That happens because of everything else that is going on! Lunch lines are just one of the things that are keeping youngsters from having enough time to eat. ‘’In schools with short lunch periods, children eat less and discard more than in schools where they were allowed more time to eat, a new study has found’’ says New York Times. Some people might disagree and say that lunch takes time away from other subjects. However, without lunch, kids would not even pay attention to those other subjects! My heart drops to the core of the Earth when I see a child, walking around the school, hungry, not knowing what to do. Well, if you rush children into eating their food quickly, they will act that same way. Fifty out of sixty children all agreed that there should be more lunch time, because they are feeling too hurried.
In conclusion, lunch is not a time for kids to nibble speedily at their food, but where they can peacefully access that one area inside them, to feel a full, completed lunch. An advantage to having more time to eat is that every single child in the classroom will pay even more attention and have more energy inside them, so they can do well in school and pass all of their tests! Also, it would make the children so ecstatic to be able to snarf down their lunch! Anyways, if you don’t want any kids at our school to be hungry and droopy, join me and tell everyone that we want a full meal!
By: Damla Ayrilmaz ( 5th Grader)