There are no more Lincolns
Robert Kesten
HISTORY=PRIDE. Working to save and strengthen democracy Human Rights=DIgnity
There is no Lincoln to save us from oursleves.
As each day passes the Trump agenda becomes clearer. What they can't win at the ballot box, they will take by force, if need be.
Trump bragged about his supporters in the streets having guns, he said that if and when the time came, they would use them to defend him. As this health/economic crisis moves on, his team moves closer to forcing a violent crisis.
His Attorney General (Barr) has already put up the test balloon, calling for the government to arrest and hold at will...a move to marshal law and the end of the great experiment of citizen self-rule, proclaimed by our founders and made sovereign through the fire of a civil war.
While the loyal opposition, led by Pelosi, Schumer and other national and regional political elites remain tied to the status quo and an unfounded, or unproved faith in a failing system, they continue to believe in their own offices and power. It is unclear just how long those offices will protect them.
Incumbents on either side no longer command the undying trust of the American people, who are ruled by fear, hate and distrust. Some would say that this moment in time was predicted in the Declaration of Independence, drafted and approved in 1776. In that cornerstone document, Thomas Jefferson reminded us of our obligation to do all in our power to protect a nation founded on the principle of the rule of law, laws of, by and for the a nation built on the belief that human beings could self govern themselves, without kings, dictators or potentates.
Every American, every American who considers themselves an American, read the Declaration of Independence and take it to heart.…/declaration-transcript
The days going forward will try us as a nation and a people in ways we've never been tested before. Our actions today and tomorrow will determine the future of our great nation, our society and the lives of millions of our people.
In a time of social distancing, a dreaded pandemic and a government opposed to its people, this is a time for action, to reclaim our rights and reclaim our flag from those who dishonor the women and men of these United States of America.
The Trump machine must go.