Be more like Branson or Dyson...
Roger Sillence
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On the bus into work each day I take the opportunity to take stock of life and plan for my day ahead, it’s my "me time" in a busy life between work, kids and planning for a kitchen extension in the new year. Today was a dark day as I managed to wipe my phone of all my notes by trying to be clever and manage all the emails etc on my phone. Note to self, don’t try to be clever again… It’s also started a repetitive error message which has now turned my iPhone into a black useless brick.
Don’t panic the world is still spinning but all my ideas, thoughts and ramblings of a mad man are no longer, which if you have done something like this yourself you know is the most painful moment in life next to stubbing your toe. Why does technology always let me down? So today my lunch time will be spent in an apple store trying to explain what has happened and how to get it working again, what a complete waste of time.
However now that I have cooled down, I reflect on what was on my notes, what actual ramblings made sense and what was I actually doing with them, the answer not much. It was just a list of ideas and plans that I would never bring to life. I’m sure Branson or Dyson didn’t have a list of notes they just kept and looked at, they are men of action with so many stories of failing and success. Another note to self, be more like Branson and Dyson…
Some of the ground breaking ideas that I have done nothing with…
· An inflatable chair for kids when on an aeroplane, keep the kids safe, comfortable and entertained for our annual trip to Spain.
· Ideas for kids books I’ve had over the years after taking my daughter to nursery on the bus.
· Plans for work and how I am going to conquer the world.
· New Years resolutions and how I’m going to get my 2008 body back without the help of a plastic surgeon. I did say these were ground breaking...
So, on the up side my fat fingers have cleaned the slate so to say and I now have the opportunity to re write my ideas pre New Year resolutions, however this time the key part is to actually put in place the actions needed to turn these into reality.
My tip for the day, week or month is to review, clean the slate, take stock of life and work, if you have plans no matter how big or small then actually have the action part in place to make them happen.
Happy planning people and more importantly happy actioning.