More like Baloo
Paul Thompson
I support companies to adopt standards by providing an easy to use cloud-based standards library
I recently found myself watching the jungle book and must admit to enjoying every minute of it (who cares if I’m over 50) I was drawn to the character of Baloo a loveable laid-back bear. It was clear to me that dude had no worries in his life, or if he did he sure managed to make it look like they did not affect his sheer enjoyment of living
I could not help but consider myself far more like Bagheera the black leopard, not because of his sleek lines and wonderful muscular body (I wish) but more because he seemed to carry a heavy burden on his shoulders of all the possible dangers that lurk in the jungle, and as a result seemed to rather miss out on the many pleasures of life.
Regardless of your religious belief’s there is many a wise word in the bible one such is from Luke 12: 25-31
Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life, since you cannot do this very little thing why do you worry about the rest.
Great words I feel, and yet so many of us spend so longer concerning ourselves about things that likely will never happen.
At BSI we talk to lots of people in many different fields of business, we often find ourselves engaged with health and safety managers, Quality managers and regulatory managers. My observation is these can be very stressful jobs with serious implications if something goes wrong.
With the pressures on businesses never being greater and many forced through Covid-19 to remote working there has never been a better time to consider services that can take some of the stain. Cloud based tools such as British Standards on line or Compliance Navigator for medical device companies can go a long way to ensuring your firm stays compliant, and your product and services are within standard.
I can’t promise to put a smile on your Health and Safety managers face or give your Regulatory Officer a good night sleep, but I suspect deploying such services will go someway to making your safety and quality team less like Bagheera and more like Baloo. Surely that has real value!!
Oh, I almost forgot we are introducing DRM (digital rights management) at the end of March so if anyone is being naughty and placing single licenced PDF standards on shared drives (perish the thought) you will no longer be able to do this, so there is another reason to look at BSOL/Compliance Navigator
If you would like to know more about our online services, please drop me an email at [email protected]