More Isn't Always Better
Dr Isaac Baker – consultants' solution to daily influence & persuasion challenges. Book a demo or join the Q1 launch waitlist.
There can be a point where having too much of something can have no impact on an outcome, or may be detrimental.
For instance, let's say we're looking at the personality trait ‘extraversion’ and its relationship with a job outcome, such as sales made per day.
X axis = extraversion; Y axis = sales made per day.
A Health Range
The ideal range of extraversion, in terms of sales made per day, may extend from average to moderately high levels. Beyond a moderate level, it may begin to have a negative effect on sales; these individuals may talk too much and take too long to close sales, leading to few total sales in a day.
Question for you
- What are some other qualities where too much, or too little, have a null or detrimental effect?
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