A more in-depth view of Multiplayer
A More in-depth view of Multiplayer

A more in-depth view of Multiplayer

Netcode for GameObjects

What exactly is it? Netcode for GameObjects is a high-level networking framework that allows Unity developers to add networking capabilities to their multiplayer games without worrying about low-level protocols. This is a multi-platform solution with a transport-agnostic layer that interacts with Unity Transport to produce performant packets that can be encrypted end-to-end using DTLS. GameObjects netcode is presently under pre-release.

?How does it work?

Netcode for GameObjects allows Unity developers to create multiplayer games by synchronising scene and game object data across several application instances connected in the same networking session.

Netcode for GameObjects is presently best suited for small-scale games, such as our demo game samples Boss Room and Galactic Kittens. You may set one of the clients to act as a client-host, or you can enable dedicated server scenarios.

Eager and knowledgeable developers may opt to use the MIT-licensed and openly available source code to expand or change the offered components to meet their own multiplayer requirements.

?Netcode for Entities

What exactly is it? Netcode for Entities is a high-level networking toolkit that allows Unity developers to include networking into their multiplayer games. When networked objects are built on the experimental DOTS ECS architecture, Netcode for Entities is necessary. As a result, Netcode for Entities is considered experimental and should not be used in production at this time.

?How does it function? Netcode for Entities employs a server-administered network model with client prediction. That is, when you utilise Netcode for Entities, your simulation will be divided into two distinct simulation units: server and client. The server simulation is the genuine simulation state since it executes the simulation for all connected clients. The server sends snapshots of the simulation state to the client simulation. Because the snapshot takes some time to reach the client, the client compensates by performing the same simulation as the server to forecast what the server would simulate.

?Connection Multiply:

What exactly is it? Multiplay is an engine-independent game server hosting solution that combines bare metal and cloud servers to help grow your game to millions of players while maintaining seamless and lag-free gameplay.

How does it function? Multiplay is a hybrid, auto-scaling hosting platform that uses bare metal servers and Cloud burst capacity.

Server allocations are prioritised to machines that are always ready to start, resulting in very short wait times. Multiplay predicts your player demand, and when planned capacity is predicted to be surpassed, Multiplay bursts into the cloud to boost availability and ensuring players aren't rejected from entering a game or experiencing long wait times.

The easiest part is increasing capacity; our orchestration allows for dynamic de-scaling based on your player concurrency. Because cloud computers may be generated and destroyed on demand, the system will swiftly shut them down when the cloud-hosted gaming session finishes to save money.


Matchmaker matches players in your game into the correct sessions by using developer-configured match logic, a customisable evaluator, and a matchmaking loop with scheduled match function execution. Matchmaking logic may be customised by developers to better fit their games, using either conventional or rule-based reasoning. This logic may be customised by producing a JSON-formatted configuration file and submitting it using the Unity Matchmaker CLI.

A perfect matching system working in perfect conditions may swiftly provide high-quality pairings. However, there are other factors that might effect time-to-match and match quality in real-world situations.


How does it function? Unity Transport is used by the Relay service to facilitate secure peer-to-peer listen-server UDP interactions between players. Relay provides DTLS (datagram transport layer security) encryption of all UDP traffic to and from Relay servers, allowing your users to transmit encrypted and authorised data.

Relay connects players utilising a join code style process and a listen server. Instead of employing dedicated gaming servers (DGS), the Relay service connects users via a global relay server that acts as a proxy. The Relay service is comprised of two major components: Relay servers and the Relay allocations service.


How does it function? Players build public lobbies with simple game attributes that other players may then search for, find, and join. Invite-only lobbies also allow gamers to construct exclusive locations for a limited number of members.

  • A public lobby allows your players to create, explore, and join public lobbies based on their search criteria.
  • With a private match, your players may create private lobbies to which they can invite other players by emailing them a lobby code.

Quick join enables participants to join a gaming session as quickly as feasible. If a matched lobby is available, the player states their needs and joins it. This approach may also be used to enable basic matchmaking or to allow users to join games that are already in progress.


How does it function? You can be up and running with Vivox in a matter of days, whether you want to utilise 2D Voice Chat, walkie talkie style channels for teams to interact, or create totally immersive environments with 3D positional channels. Your players will have complete control over their volume, mute, and the ability to effortlessly silence others.

Vivox works with any engine and is available on all major platforms. We do, however, provide wrappers for Unity and Unreal to enable for a more rapid path to implementation within those engines.

With compatibility for all major platforms, allowing cross-platform gaming is a breeze. All you have to do is get gamers from various platforms to join the same channel.

?There are two kinds of channels: 2D and 3D-positional.

  • When most people think about voice chat in games, they see 2D channels. This is the standard feature that allows players to hear and speak to all teammates regardless of where they are on the map.
  • ?To depict audio in 3D space, 3D-positional channels take into consideration a player's position and orientation. This gives your players a more immersive experience by allowing them to hear other players around them.

Players can simply be on more than one channel at the same time. This allows players to be in a 3D-positional channel, where they can hear other players roaming about in game space, while also being in a 2D squad channel, or even numerous 2d channels.

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