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I released my first ever “Lead Magnet”, totally by accident.

I had began running my very first business about a year before.

I got certified as a personal trainer, with a plan to leave bartending behind once and for all, and to become a rich business owner.

After getting certified, I went out and bought a bunch of workout equipment...

Posted on social media that I was starting training and bootcamps...

And waited for the clients and money to come rolling in!

Let’s just say I was in for a rude awakening lol

It turns out, that in 2013, seemingly 90% of the population in San Diego was also a personal trainer.

They. Were. Everywhere.

Not only could I not close any sales...

I couldn’t even get anyone to notice my services let alone buy them.

I couldn’t stand out or rise above the noise of everyone else...

And I began to think I made a big big mistake.

Feeling defeated and worthless...

Instead of giving up and having a pity party for myself...

I focused and worked harder.

During my HOURSSSS of research on how to grow a training business online, I read something that’s stuck out to me every since...


Which after watching Half Baked even once, we all know that that’s exactly what drug dealers do to push their product.

They give them a little taste of what they want most, and then sell them once they’re hooked!

So I sat down and asked myself...

What does my type of client have the MOST trouble with, that if I solved, would get them “hooked” on my product?

Well when it comes to fitness, diet and nutrition is without a doubt the hardest thing they dealt with.

So I sat down and outline and designed a “Grocery List Cheat Sheet” to make shopping and staying healthy and fit as easy as possible!

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From that day forward...

I STOPPED trying to sell my program...

And ONLY focused on trying to give away my free cheat sheet.

Essentially it turned into a magnet to attract new customers (or leads) to me.

Hence the name “LEAD MAGNET”.

Worked like a charm, and became the backbone is the first ever program I launched online called... PERFORMANCE BLOX 360!

(Yup... even before I knew what branding was, or that it was even a thing at all haha)

Even all these years later...

A strong lead magnet is still the backbone of my marketing and sales... and it should be in yours, too!

If you haven’t created a lead magnet for your business yet...

You’re leaving impact and a whole lot of income, on the table.

The point of sharing this story though, is this...

Sometimes you won’t know HOW to make your dreams come true.

Most of the times accomplishing you dreams means doing something you’ve NEVER done before.

All of that was true for me.

But I didn’t give up.

And I didn’t get down on myself.

And I never listened to the haters and naysayers who told me it would never work.

I created a vision of my dream life, buckled down, focused on my goals, and showed up with a tenacity that could not be stopped.

It was 8 years ago when I started my first ever business.

And because of that... I now have 100% total freedom in my life.

Never give up.

Never back down.

Never stop learning.

Because all thats required to achieve freedom in your life is to...

Clearly see the vision in your mind...

Creating a plan to make it happen...

And a steadfast belief that you’re capable of everything, and that anything is possible

PS have you joined my free tribe for entrepreneurs and world changers?

Lets Link Up:


