More and more, I come to realise how much the small things truly matter...

More and more, I come to realise how much the small things truly matter...

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More and more, I come to realise how much the small things truly matter. 

Small pleasures - like a hot cup of tea, or a walk in nature. 

Small gifts - like a single flower, or a warm hug.

Small habits - like writing down what I'm grateful for, or getting up as soon as the alarm sounds.

The small things can be hugely uplifting, but they can also be extremely disempowering if we don't notice and choose to change what's not serving us.

Small judgments - like assuming we know what someone else thinks and feels, or labeling people based on how they look.

Small grudges - like holding onto anger about a past event, or chastising ourselves for getting something wrong.

Small beliefs - like accepting the inner voices that say: "I'm not enough" and "I should be further along by now", or believing that we are not autonomous in our own lives.

With each small thing, we can either start a wildfire or start the growth of a beautiful garden. 

To start a wildfire is quick and easy, and it can feel exciting, but in the long run it's extremely damaging and, although it will eventually burn out, we'll be left with very little. 

To grow a garden will take longer but, with continued love and patience, it will be there forever. If we nurture it with small, kind, repeated actions, it will soon grow into a beautiful place to be.

We all have a choice every day as to whether we're nurturing our garden or our wildfire. The fuel we use is our thoughts and actions - the words we tell ourselves and the small things we do consistently. 

Are you nurturing your garden or your wildfire?

Sarah Clayton-Jones

Founder, READ TO LEAD? ?? | Book inspired social learning experiences to create curious leaders and connected teams | ICF Coach & Facilitator.

4 年

Lovely piece Joanna, getting up when the alarm sounds really resonates and I’m going to kick that to touch!


