More great Modular news!
More great news for the Offsite sector as the Department for Education confirms their plans to double the number of schools they build using modern modular solutions.
Our friends at the posted an article on this today…………..
DFE outlines offsite building boom!
The Department for Education has said it wants to double the amount of schools built using modular construction every year from now on.
Suky Atwal, the department’s commercial director for capital projects, said it wants to “transform the construction sector” in the way it builds new schools.
He told an offsite event earlier this month: “Schools naturally lend themselves [to offsite solutions] because they’re repeatable.
“I’ve set us a challenge of, each year, we want to double the amount of schools we do in modular.”
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He added: “[Modular] is far less disruptive if we program it properly. You can click together a primary school – put together all the modules – in about two weeks.”
Atwal was talking at an event hosted by Richard Crosby, pictured, the project leader of the Seismic consortium
Atwal was speaking as the Seismic consortium was unveiling a modular steel frame and connector – which will be used instead of welding – for use on school construction.
The consortium is supported by the Department for Education (DfE) and plans to make its off-site system available for use by any contractor, including those who win a place on a £3bn MMC framework which launches later this year.
One of its members, Peterborough firm Elliott said it expects to double its £164m turnover in the next three years because of the government’s commitment to offsite initiative.”
If you are a Construction Professional with Offsite / Modular experience or are keen to find out more about this sector, drop me a line at our London Bridge HQ – [email protected] / 0208 332 2727.