MV Mediation Center
We provide education, mediation, conflict coaching, and related services to help prevent and resolve conflicts.
By Sara Barnes
We've been taught to think of most things in terms of the binary:
Right ? Wrong
Wonderful ? Despicable
Angelic ? Devilish
Acceptable ? Unacceptable
Oftentimes, our instinct is to choose a binary side -- calling something good or bad: 'beets are SO good!' or 'no way, I CAN'T STAND collared shirts.' And having your own opinions is great. But I'm not here to make a point about food and fashion choices.
My point is about inflexible, rigid and hardened judgment, dividing things categorically into good and bad categories.
Conflict and the good/bad binary
The binary is overly simplistic. Humans are a mix of good, bad and a little in between. And if you find yourself judging; try pushing past the binary.
For example, instead of 'She’s a bad person.'?It sounds like: "I was always taught you should pay your debts, but I don't always manage to do everything I was taught, and I've made mistakes before. I'd like to know more about what happened to understand more fully."
Conflict is fueled by the good/bad binary
If you want to perpetuate conflicts, then stick with the good/bad method. You can be sure to have lots of conflicts that way.
If you'd like to get better at resolving conflicts, consider unlearning the good/bad binary way thinking. Focus on processing information without judgment, with an open mind toward others, and with interest in the complexity and unexpectedness of our fellow humans.