More of The Good Stuff
HNW Financial
An Independent Financial Planning Firm, Run by Independent Financial Planners
There are many fantastic things in this world, and we all have unique definitions of "the good stuff" in life. Here are a few of mine;?
In the investment world, there are three main choices: stocks, bonds and cash. These can then be split into thousands of options to ensure an obscene amount of complexity. This?chart shows how these larger selections have performed over the past 95 years. The green dot is the best each has done in one year, the red dot the worst, and the blue dot the average:
Once you subtract the average inflation of 3.12% since 1928 (according to?NYU Stern) from each of these numbers, you are left with?their real?rates of return:
Stocks, which we refer to as a diversified collection of great businesses due to how our managers select them, have crushed the other options. After considering inflation, they were more than?4x?better than bonds and?37x?better than cash!
Yet many people, especially older folks (or those who identify as older folks ;), enjoy holding these other options. Why is that?
Everyone is different, has experienced their unique past and has personalized goals for the future. However, most people who do so hold bonds, cash and other fixed-income investments out of fear.?Some of that is justified, and some is not. If your goal or time frame is short-term, holding investments that will not drop makes sense. It's appropriate to ensure the value of an investment is fixed if you'll need to take the money out in just months or a few years. There is no time to recover from a drop in those instances. This fear becomes unjustified, though, if your time frame is stretched out to many years or even decades. A drop is always scary and evokes the thought that things will not recover, but history has shown that it always has. Every correction has ended, and the value of a properly diversified collection of great businesses has reached new heights.?Those investors who have held the highest proportion of their portfolio in the best asset class for the longest period have prospered the most.?
This is not rocket science. It’s not a thinking problem, and it's not a math?problem. It's very well known. The challenge is managing our human?emotions during times of crisis. How do you hang on when things get scary? In the words of Warren Buffett, how do you "be fearful when others are greedy and be greedy when others are fearful"? The reason for this quote is that most people simply can't do it, as you can see from this chart:?
Left to their own devices, most people do the wrong thing at the wrong time for the wrong reasons. They cannot hold themselves back from selling when things are grim, thereby locking in the losses and forcing themselves to work for many extra years to recover, never mind retiring. Working with a good advisor can be life-changing in times like these!
There are parallels to other areas of life. Many people, for example, have successfully improved their fitness level with the help of a personal trainer. They have hired these folks to help design an exercise plan that gets them exercising at a higher intensity level, more often and as part of a team of at least two. The trainer is right there, helping to motivate them when they struggle and celebrating the wins together, which makes them even more fun. The trainer, and possibly a larger team, enables them to dig deeper than they could independently, propelling them to higher success than they could attain on their own.?
That's what we do here at HNW as?well.?We help our clients hold a higher percentage of their savings in a diversified?collection of great businesses (the good?stuff) than they could manage by themselves.?This helps them hit their financial goals faster and build a higher?margin of safety. Our clients have more wins, and we're there to celebrate each of these with them. Due to our alignment, we're often some of the only people who get excited, instead of envious, when they hit $1M, $5M or $10M in their investments with us. A team win is always more fun than an individual one!?
One final note: as many know, when your financial life is in order, you have more time, energy and resources left to celebrate the other Good Stuff in life more completely!