More free advice from your friendly insurance guy . . .
I posted a while back about when to call, or not call, claims. That kind of advice isn’t the only reason to have an agent when it comes to claims . . .
One of my clients (He’s asked not to include his name) had a claim a couple of weeks ago. A huge tree had fallen through the roof of a rental property he owned up in Hixson. He didn’t know who to call, so I referred him to three different companies. He met with them all, chose one, and they agreed on the work being done once the settlement check arrived. Life was good.
Well, as is the case at times Hurricane Irma sent bad weather our way, and the contractor had more work than anticipated. Now the project is being pushed back, and the client was having trouble getting traction and answers. He tried on his own a few times, then finally contacted me. Two texts later something that was going to be delayed “two weeks at least” turned in to “Thanks, Frank; they’re working on the roof now” overnight.
There’s a couple of takeaways from this story:
- If you have a problem, call your agent. It’s probably not a new experience for him (and, if it is he certainly has someone who supervises him who has more knowledge) and he can both help guide you through the process and provide repair resources if you don’t have any yourself.
- Keep your agent in the loop regarding your claim. Especially if you run into issues, they can be a valuable resource. And, honestly, you represent one customer to a contractor; your agent represents hundreds of possible referrals. We can debate the merits of what I say, but they’re DEFINITELY not wanting to lose the business an agent can refer, so your agent usually has a little more leverage.
So, make sure you work your claims through your agent. Don’t have one, or not getting this kind of service? You can call me directly at 931-316-6004 or my offices at 423-375-1634, and get the kind of professional service you deserve.