More free advice from your friendly insurance guy . . .
The weekend coming up is Fourth of July weekend. People will be travelling to events in different towns and cities, with some going to visit families and taking advantage of the extra free time from work. If you are thinking of travelling to watch some fireworks, keep the following in mind:
1) Check your car BEFORE the weekend – come Saturday, people will be hitting the road, buying food, fireworks, etc. The last thing you want is to get stuck in line at the oil change place and miss the star of the festivities! Or worse, have something break down.
2) Please be careful in parking lots – Everyone is going to be in a hurry, whether it’s rushing for a sale, making a last minute beverage run, or just running late to the barbeque. Keep an eye out both for other cars and pedestrians; accident rates always go up on holidays!
3) Temporary parking lots are rough to drive on – Many times, fireworks are NOT in the city and a temporary parking lot gets set up in the grass at the park, on the lawn at church, in someone’s backyard. Now you’re driving on dirt or grass, not pavement, and the traction is completely different. It’s even worse if it rains. So, be careful.
4) Remember the advice from the other day – if you have a small, minor fender bender don’t call the 800 number for claims unless there are injuries. If no one is hurt and the damage looks minor call your agent or get an estimate before calling. Don’t lose any discounts because of something below your deductible!
If you have any questions or I can help in any way just give me a call at 931-316-6004.