more flood info
Annette Cremer
Carer At home-True believer of the ALP. IAM a unionist I will speak out I’m not scared.In a fight your gonna have to back down with me winning
- 7:11PM, Saturday 2nd July
NSW SES will tonight issue emergency alert SMS messages to communities along Hawkesbury-Nepean catchments in preparation for potential evacuations overnight and over the coming days as rain intensifies across Sydney and the Illawarra.
Low-lying Hawkesbury-Nepean communities will receive warnings they could be affected by flooding tonight, Saturday 2 July, or the following days depending on the distribution of the rainfall.
The following areas will receive warnings tonight: Menangle, Liverpool, Milperra, Camden, North Richmond, Wallacia, Penrith, Sackville, Upper Colo and Windsor.
If you receive a text message from +61 444 444 444, it’s an official alert that requires attention and to take action early.
If you have been affected by flooding in the past, you may be affected again. Communities can prepare now by understanding their risk and monitoring weather conditions.
Protect yourself, property and livestock by acting early and avoiding flooded roads. If you need to arrange accommodation with family and friends, prepare that now. If you had holidays booked, stay away from flood-prone areas and plan your trips carefully.
For emergency help in floods and storms, call NSW SES on 132 500. If the situation is life-threatening, call Triple 0.