No more fake number with whatsapp api link!

I have worked for many companies and the major problem which I have always faced while getting leads was the fake numbers. Even after keeping the relevant content on all the ads, there would be many fake numbers. When the calling team would give us the report, it would always have a very high number of people not interested & fake numbers. Sometime I would think why a person would fill in the form if he not interested.

After few years of personal experience I started to understand the user behavior. Maximum people who are filling up your form want to hear from the company back instantly as they are free at that particular time. And people who are filling incorrect number & also are interested in your product or services are actually browsing around. They fill in incorrect number because they don’t trust you and think you might use their number for some other purpose. Now the question arises here is that how to get the correct number when this chunk of fake number leads is high?

Common Solution

1)     Keeping an OTP system – I think it is too expensive not even worth it

2)     Making the form lengthy & too specific – It will drop many users & not a user friendly approach

My Solution

1)     Using new whatsapp api link to get message straight away – It is free & worth it

How it works

Use this link[countrycode][Mobilenumber]


When you add this link on the button or shorten it with google it will directly take to whatsapp and ask you to message the person.

I hope this article is helpful to you. Please do leave your comments below.



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