No More Excuses, Just get on with it.
Oladele Dosunmu
Passionate about seeing the Alkebulan of my dream emerge. I am unapologetically African. We are building the Emerging Alkebulan. Titles don't matter. Disrupting the status quo. Thought provoker. Afro-Centric to the core.
Everyday, majority of the people I come across are not happy or not fulfilled in whatever they are doing. I hear a lot of whinging, see confused faces and lot's unfulfilled postures. What really baffles me about us human beings is that, are we so PROGRAMMED that we can't even change our current circumstance or direction in life? When I say to people, why don't you do something about it? The answer I get is excuses of why this can't happen. Excuses, which really gets up my NOSE. Sounds like a rant. But that's how passionate I am to see people CHANGE.
The key point here is, if you're not happy then CHANGE. Giving an excuse for what's happening to you, where you are or what's going on in your life right now will eventually weigh you down, then you start saying to yourself, may be that's MY DESTINY. That's a LIE.
Everyone has greatness in them. but you have to make up your mind to want to change your situation. The moment you stop giving excuses and make a conscious decision to do something. The doors of Heaven will agree with you. BELIEVE, it is possible. The most successful people in the world, have only one head like yours. But they do something different from you. They work HARDER than you. Their passion and focus drives them to SUCCEED. You're not different.
Success or Failure is in your hands. God has deposited a talent in you. Don't die fully loaded. It's good to die empty knowing that you have done all you wanted to do. It's good to die with a smile on your face, not with a disgruntled frown.