No More Excuses. Fess Up & Let’s Fix This Place Together.
For South African to get off its knees, it has to pivot. Right now.
Much has been said about the South African economy and it’s extremely poor growth prospects, primarily due to corruption. Way gone are the heady days of economic growth under Thabo Mbeki and the magnificent trajectory that Nelson Mandela put us on 26 years ago with our beautiful, non-racial democracy.
And yet here we are, almost three decades later, post the 10 lost Zuma years, with many of his identical players occupying the same or similar positions, and we are wondering why the country is not moving forward, but intensely blaming our past for our current maladies. And of course the hideous and painful legacy of apartheid will last in some shape and form for decades, but to blame it for our current level of unemployment and poor economic growth is to not face many of the harsh facts and realities at play. It is to not face the truth of where we currently find ourselves.
I despised apartheid and we all still have significant work ahead of us to create a far more equal, more inclusive, just and fairer society (I have written many, many articles on this offering accessible suggestions and solutions over the years) so please do not see any part of this piece as denying the harsh legacy of our past as a backdrop to where we are, but there has also been scant evidence of progress since 2008 in addressing this situation. In fact, quite the opposite.
We have seen the country become a feeding trough for politicians and their well-connected associates, which have seen our State Owned Enterprises all crippled, raped and denuded of both money and talent, we have seen hospitals left to go to ruin as well as schools, with no concern for the plight of the poor, the elderly or our youth. We still have pit toilets for heaven sake, which literally rob children of their lives. We have recently seen bizarre Covid scooter “ambulances” launched with WW2 looking side-car beds and food parcels for the desperate not reaching their desired recipients, and the solution to all this, is the oldest trick in the world. Divide and rule. Play the race card to distract from failure.
South Africa will have NO future if this divisive, populist rhetoric, coming from the highest office in our land, does not stop. You cannot plunder over R1 trillion out of the economy and dismantle our SOE’s 20 years after apartheid and expect the economy not to stumble, investment not to retreat and employment not to implode.
As recently as a month ago, our Auditor General reported R40 billion of our tax money went to “fruitless and wasteful expenditure”. A euphemism for mostly theft. Now there is nothing new in what I have said above, and news channels like BBC and Sky have recently covered the deplorable state of our public hospitals with no mattresses or sheets on beds for the sick, and rats drinking blood on the floors. It’s the stuff of horror movies and a line in the sand where every right thinking citizen should now say “enough is enough”.
Where is our R 1 287 700 000 000.00 (that is one thousand two hundred and eighty seven billion Rand) in collected tax revenue actually going? And more importantly, how do we ensure it’s optimally deployed. It is the proceeds of our hard work after all and not that of government…
So that is the rear view mirror. The past. Something we can do nothing about other than learn from and not repeat the mistakes. And unlock new and fresh solutions to fix and build our society. To overcome our both recent and tragic history of inequality and injustice. And to embrace our Constitution as a non-racial society.
Now some may deliberately choose to see this as an attack on the President or our government. It is neither. It is a factual statement of the TRUTH. The first step in fixing a problem. What follows are my heartfelt suggestions and recommendations for trying to fix this magnificent but hugely troubled country.
So, what do I mean by pivot? It’s looking at what you currently have. All the skills, assets, resources and talent, and to combine them into a totally fresh combination, model and output to achieve a far better result in the current market conditions, than applying the existing approach.
It’s also really important to note, that business and individuals collectively make ALL the money for our country. And then government chooses how to spend it. We need a partnership in this approach now as it currently is simply not working on any level.
The only way to grow our economy is through investment. The only way to achieve this is through providing a fertile environment for growth. We need an entirely new compact between our Government and Business. Both domestic and international. Between our Government and other first world and developed Countries. Not the flotsam and jetsam kleptocracies who currently rob and deny their own people of opportunity and the vast resource wealth of those countries. I had a longtime mentor and boss, the advertising legend, Bob Rightford, who had a simple saying “First class business in a first class way”. That must be our filter.
The President must assemble a dream team of our top CEO’s and we have many of them, who are true world-class players. Titans and Captains of Industry in banking, mining, insurance, telecoms, technology, agriculture, education, the marketing industry and more, who can help develop an urgent action-plan to entice domestic and foreign investment and for business partnerships and collaborations to fix our ailing SOE’s, to build infrastructure and to expand their companies in this market. Investment is THE ONLY WAY out of unemployment. Turning the country’s population into “pensioners” living off the State is a proven recipe for disaster.
This dream team of CEO’s and business leaders must partner with our Finance Minister and Head of SARS to create a highly impactful business case for investing in South Africa. It must radically cut red tape and provide huge and compelling short, medium and long term incentives for investment.
We must engage the Unions in a fresh partnership and build the case for job creation and employment off a new model. The old paradigm will only intensify unemployment and if indeed the various Unions remit is to look after the welfare and jobs of their members, they need to buy into a workable plan that shows them how to sustainably create and build jobs. Strike action, stay-aways and digging in your heels does not build an economy nor jobs. In fact, quite the reverse. South Africa is in direct competition with the rest of the continent and the world for business. We need to understand and internalize this.
Any residual goodwill towards our country has been totally eroded by our endemic levels of cronyism and related corruption. This must end now if one is to unlock a better and brighter future. I have no doubt, if taken on the journey in a collaborative way, that our trade unions would buy into a model of creating, enhancing and protecting jobs. That is their sole mandate after all.
So what incredible investment arguments, business cases and packages can we create to unlock and attract investment? There are many we can think of quickly that will get both developed countries and leading blue-chip companies to reconsider us.
The country urgently needs an iron fist in dealing with corruption. We need to leapfrog our current position of an inability to deal with it in both intent and sheer volume, to being an international leader in having a zero tolerance for crime and hopefully thereby partner with the international community for ideas, solutions and resources.
How many tens of billions can our asset forfeiture unit in partnership with Interpol reclaim. It is our money and we must not allow the local and foreign fugitives to get away with this theft of our invaluable resources. The VBS arrests were a great start, but what is the next step and consequence of The Zondo Commission? When are we going to see meaningful arrests for the State Capture project, Estina Dairy, the illegal sale of our fuel reserves, Steinhoff and the other multi-billion dollar scams that have been pulled off in the last decade.
Our government through the NPA should approach the Judiciary and the SA Law Society to see what fresh and effective plans, processes and resources can be allocated in collaboration with local and international law firms to achieve effective convictions and whereby they are also rewarded through a commission structure / percentage of the ill-gotten means they get back for the country.
The country was gripped by unemployment and poverty before Covid. This has dramatically intensified whereby we need highly innovative models to deal with this profound problem and tragedy. We are fortunately a country rich and abundant in arable and highly livable land. I have been a proponent for many years of implementing a proven and successful Kibbutz-like model in South Africa to provide skills and training in developing subsistence farms where education and healthcare are hardwired into the overall model.
We can then create a grassroots model, unique to our situation, and help unemployed and poverty stricken people leave overly-crowded townships and develop new modern farm cities. Existing small country villages should be the start of these new projects.
Over 50% of the world’s money is held by less than 1% of the world’s population. We should approach The Gates Foundation and other global billionaires to help fund this Humanity Project.
We need to approach the world’s richest and most influential people and companies (and hopefully philanthropists) through the Presidency: The Buffets, Brins, Arnault, Pages, Zuckerbergs, Ellisons, Waltons, Bettancourts, Jobs, Bezos and the rest. Wealthy countries and corporates to each fund/sponsor a village / kibbutz and hopefully even get them producing or manufacturing something for their sprawling empires and markets.
It not about free handouts, but by giving a helping hand in using our proven labour force (we manufacture sophisticated cars for the world here already, and lots more) so on our weak currency we should be a very enticing manufacturing hub whilst also contributing to uplifting society and humanity. That truism “Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime.”
Maybe the IMF could be the Patron and sponsor of this project with global auditing firms volunteering the strict checks and balances required?
So, as you can see there are many, simple ideas that can truly work. If I can come up with this list, many people can add to it, offer their services and try turn this ship around.
First and foremost we need our President, Mr Ramaphosa, to buy into it and liberate the country to activate this plan. If he wants the ANC to win the next election resoundingly, it will be by allowing the talent that resides in our country to have the mandate to fix it, because the solutions will not be coming from government departments nor their employees.
As I said earlier, we, the people of South Africa and our businesses, make ALL the money for the country. The government just gets to spend it. The time has come for an intense partnership to now fix this place.
The time for talking and empty promises is over. We now need action
Mr President, are you up for this critical pivot?
Farmer 2 Pharma CEO | Facilitating Global Pharma Agreements
4 年Mike, may your vision be seen by the relevant pairs of eyes, may our government wake up to the reality at hand, not in their pockets, but where the majority of our population attempt to survive, many without the basics of running water and simple sanitation. May the majority of us wake up to realize that the people they are guided to vote for still aren't delivering after 26 years of 'freedom'. We do need to pivot but without governing authorities buy-in do we stand a chance? Take a look at SAHPRA. A government agency dedicated to regulating the pharmaceutical industry. A team of smart academic people who are successful in their relevant fields but, through personal experience, have no idea on how to run the agency as a service business, no sense of enabling economic growth through proven global markets. Surely each and every government agency needs a business-oriented member of management able to action a vision of serving the SA community rather than pushing papers around like a rudderless ship bobbing around on the turbulent ocean of economic activity. Or should we just accept that government agencies will always be spinning their wheels in loose sand, making noise but taking us nowhere. I support you on your initiatives and will do whatever I can to make them a reality Mike.
Founder and Joint CEO at The Bright Blue Company
4 年“Hope springs eternal”, wrote Alexander Pope. Mike Abel grounds this expectation in five sensible, practical steps for South Africa. Will SA rise to this challenge?
Artist as Self - Employed
4 年“First class business in a first class way”. That must be our filter......timeless wisdom
*The Conversation Architect * Founder - Champion South Africa * Host of The National Pulse on SAfm Radio * MC/ Moderator/ Keynote Speaker * Media deal maker * Media Consultant [email protected]
4 年Lots said , lots to debate , bottom line is you care to express yourself , you are invested in South Africa . The most important point is that you are personally committed to fix South Africa . We at #ChampionSouthAfrica have been saying that Mandela was the first champion of a democratic South Africa . Now we need to build the champions needed to build a champion nation . You and I need to have that conversation (again)