Elizabeth Muthoni
Skilled in Business Management | Digital Marketing Expert | Social Media Strategist | Visual Designer & Digital Creator | Co-Founder & Head of Digital Marketing at Ubuntu Connect Kenya
My childhood dream was to be rich so I could buy lots of chocolate, designer clothes, and shoes to look trendy just like I saw in the movies. When I got my first paycheck, I went on a shopping spree that left me broke within the first week of the month, but I got what I wanted, so it didn't bother me too much.?I made it through the rest of the month, but it had become a vicious cycle that was difficult to break.
Looking back, I see the danger of having a small mindset, especially limited to our immediate environment. I viewed life through the lens of scarcity. I craved what I lacked and wanted more and more, which limited my outlook on life. Small things easily satisfied me, and small things blew my mind.
I had to be deliberate in shifting my mindset, which I guess is one of the hardest things to do. Learning and relearning, thinking beyond my childish dreams, and focusing on making a meaningful impact on the world, which goes well beyond simply buying a house, enjoying a nice meal, going to the movies, and yeah buying designer clothes.
To me, it matters more to leave a legacy and make a difference in the world in my own small way coz we were not all born to be great and famous, but we can do small things in a great way, right?