MORE? - Of the life you’re living vs. the life you want

The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it. — Kalpana Chawla

If you ask most people if they want MORE in their life,? they’ll speak of things they would like to do with their lives. If time and money was no object and they could pursue their heart’s desires.

While they are able to clearly articulate what more they want in their life. if you ask them what they are doing with their everyday lives to pursue those dreams, they’ll tell you that they are trying to move up in their career, move to a bigger house or pursue some other disconnected goal in their life.? The irony is that it will take them most of their life to get to the life they want to live because they are spending all their time living a life that they don’t recognize today. There’s a big disconnect between the lives people want some day and the lives they are living today.

The simple reason that people aren’t living the life they want today is that they are too busy living the life they don’t. They are living the default life that developed out of circumstance, habit, or based on the lives of people around them.

Society has pretty much created a game plan for most of us to follow and it may not necessarily match with what you want in life. You may be spending all of your time in life trying to pursue “success” by societal standards without doing what you want.? This was me, I was living a life I thought I was supposed to until a major event in my life occurred to open my eyes and step outside my comfort zone and see what was possible.? Am I there yet, no!? Have I had challenges along the way, absolutely!? But now I feel like I am moving in a direction that is better aligned with my purpose and values.

Anyone can turn the life they are living around so they can live their life in alignment with the life they want. You can work towards the life you desire instead of living someone else’s life. You can pursue a path that will help you reach the destination you want.

Here are the 3 things you need in your life today to live the life that you want.

1. The clarity to know where you’re going

You’re not going to get to the place that you want to go without knowing where it is that you want to go. To figure this out, you have to ask yourself:

  • What do you want your future to look like?
  • ?What do you want your every day to look like??
  • What do you want your typical day to look like??
  • What would it look like if you were living a meaningful life??
  • What would it look like if you lived a life that was aligned with your values??

You need to ask yourself the big questions and be able to listen to the answers. You need to be able to visualize the life that you want for yourself, see and feel what’s possible.

2. The honesty to admit what you want

It’s not going to be easy to admit to yourself what you want because if you choose a life of meaning and purpose for you, you’re going to start doing things much different than most people. If you’re not going to follow the traditional career path or financial path, your life will be different.?

  • You may want an entirely different life than the one you’re living but to admit that is hard.?
  • You might choose an unconventional path, and that's okay too.
  • Acknowledge what's true for you, even if it differs from what you've been told.

Getting clear about where you want to go requires you to get honest with yourself and accepting what you know to be true.

3. The courage to start pursuing the life you desire

Once you know the place you want to go to, are you willing to make the hard choices to get there??

  • Are you willing to take the courageous actions that are to counter society’s prescription for a good life??
  • Are you willing to work and prioritize your time so that you can build your desired life?
  • Are you willing to downsize your life or give up luxury?
  • Are you willing to let go of the people you thought would support you, turn their back on you? And are you willing to let new supporters in?
  • Are you willing to live differently??

You need the courage to remind yourself that the life you’re pursuing is different from what everyone else is pursuing and do it anyway. You have to overcome the fears of your path and take many steps of courageous action to get there.

Take the path that most people aren’t willing to take

The path to the life that you want is possible but you have to be willing to do what most people aren’t. You have to be willing to ask yourself what it is you want in life, be honest with yourself, and then find the courage to pursue the life that will help you get to the destination of your choice.

Living the life you want means living a life of intention and choosing. You may have to travel a path with less guidance and certainty so you can get to a fulfilling and meaningful life.

If you want to dig into this a little deeper I am going to be holding a 4 day FREE webinar called The More Challenge, that will dig into Mindset, Your Why, Financial fitness and Health is Wealth.? Click here to be put on the waiting list.

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