More about the "Dynamics of Death"
God wants us to grow into instruments that can be used to help others enter into the Kingdom or Life Eternal.
With that about a year ago the subject of "Death", as a "Dynamic", entered my being.
At first I was taken aback thinking how can this be ???
How can there be "Dynamics of Death ???
Ultimately I was moved to review the scriptures and combine this with how my life was / is and has been changing.
From this I now am able to see that we do go through a process of Dying.
In the first clip that I wrote I refer to Galatians Chapter 2 Verse 20.., where we see that Paul states that he was crucified with Christ and yet he lived.
This statement alone can be contradictory or considered false because to be crucified means that you are dead or have been killed.
Paul goes on to state that he lives by the Faith or Power of Christ the Son of God who gave himself for me.
Paul went through a process of change that can and should be related to death.
Not the way that you or I would normally think of death.
Paul died to his old way of living.., and this is what we have been called or invited to do..,
There is a song that is about "Making Me an Instrument", and Paul talked about this in the book of Romans Chapter 6 verse 13 which states..,
- That we should not yield our members as Instruments of Unrighteousness unto Sin and..,
- That we should yield ourselves unto God and our members instruments of Righteousness..,
There is more to this and we will get deeper into this as we progress with this work.
From these snippets we can see that God gives us the opportunity to choose the type of instrument he wants us to become.
One that yields or picks to do the things or works of the Spirit instead of the flesh.
For we have a choice in this matter, yield to works of unrighteous or to become servants of righteousness.
Let me close with these words in Romans Chapter 6 Verses 18..,
Being made free from Sin, ye became the servants of Righteousness..,
This speaks of a process and..,
In Romans Chapter 6 Verses 19c we read..,
...Even so NOW yield your members servants to Righteousness.., !!!
Have you accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour ???
Then maybe it is time that you yield to the "Dynamics of Death" !!!
not working presently at not working presently
8 年His children in faith should not fear this angel but should instead look forward to being obedient to God as long as He enables them to do so.