More deliciousness, Less stress…
With?a Time Magic’ing Strategy to give you time for these delicious plant-based recipes!
Do you ever feel like there just are not enough hours in the day? Certainly not enough high discipline, efficient, clear minded hours in the day!
That todays “to do” list is overflowing with yesterdays annoying, undealt with tasks?
That “urgent" and “unimportant" keep jumping in front of the things that are truly impactful to you?
That is where the?Stop, Start, Continue Time Magic’ing Strategy comes into play!
The intention here is to?create the hours in your week to make your most important and impactful actions happen.
I step you through the A, B, C of “time magic'ing” AND share full recipes for the following deliciousness in this post:
The dish that turned my dear tofu-hating mum into a tofu LOVER!
2. Blueberry Almond Chia Pudding.
A protein pimped, healthy and?satisfying #dessertforbreakfast.?
3. Cauli-kale Tabouli.
The unique,?versatile and impressive?salad to prep for #mealsonmass or to share!
Here’s to ALL the abundant #plantstrong deliciousness!?