No more delay
Robert Dean Steel
Minister at Cornerstone Community Church and Radio Personality at AM 930 the Light in Edmonton. Author & Musician
May 31 - No more delay - Rev 10:5-6
Vs 5-6 - This is a very dramatic moment the angel that John had seen on the sea and the land raises his hand to heaven. In this gesture he is doing four things. First, he is surrendering his will to the will of the Lord. When one lifts one hands it means surrender and giving up control to another. Next, he is raising his hands in worship. The one who sits on the throne and the lamb are worthy of all praise and glory. Thirdly, he is thanking the Lord for his power, might dominion and authority. This is about to be directed to those who have been walking in their own ways. Lastly he is aligning himself with heaven. This angel is about to release God’s final word.
He then swears an oath. He is representing the one who lives forever. God is eternal. He has no beginning and no end. He has always been and will forever be. He is the one who created the heavens and the earth. He is the creator of al things and all that is in them. The amazing thing is that scientists tell us that the universe is still expanding. God is still in the creating business.
The angel then focuses on the earth and all that is in it. Of course the Lord is dealing with this world. Interesting as well the judgment of God is also on the sea and all that is in it. The message is now conveyed. There will be no more delay. The time of grace has been suspended and now only judgment remains. Mankind has refused to repent and so God will execute His judgment on all creation. When God says it is done it is done. He does not change His mind.