Dave Dutton-Fraser
President, Founder at Fraser's Edge Wordsmithing and EROS,Writer, Lecturer, Occultist, Wizard, Former Bad Guy.
Some times at dawn
while she slept and the nightmares
left her still,
I would gaze upon her
and think
how beautiful she was.
Maybe her hips were too wide,
her breasts too small
or her nose to straight
and her eyes
too far apart but
I loved her
for all of it.
She was seventeen and
I was twenty-one
and punk rock was in
violent savage bloom.
She looked younger
than seventeen by three
or maybe four years
and some men liked that.
Old and desperate men
willing to pay to
violate their nieces
and daughters.
Every night she would
leave me, returning
in the dark morning
with bountiful gifts
of liquor and drugs
Though we shared
body and sweat
our fixes were
always kept separate.
One day she said
“We need more money.”
but neither of us
could wait for weeks
on my paycheck.
"I have friends
who can show you
where to stand."
and she handed me
latex sheaths and
applied make-up to
my sleepless eyes.
Oh, my so imperfect
but so beautiful young lady, I never
loved you too much
but perhaps
I should have
hated you