The so called investigation by the PAC is an unfunny joke. The most corrupt who ran RTE into the ground have refused to answer any questions and have effectively dismissed them. However, one of the main culprits Kevin Bakhurst who established the 'investigations department' will appear - and will gloss over how the department he founded did absolutely nothing about the corruption that he was in the middle of. Why?
This brings me to the PAC itself - how can a body which itself covers up the corruption that's rife in Irish Life - be trusted to hold to account the privileged from RTE. I speak about the cover up by the PAC of the Belfast Dockers DYING from Asbestos, and the people who lived in the surrounding areas. Below is the banner heading of an article I put on linkedin. This was after they refused to investigate the known fact - that ITGWU formed an illegal Union and Employers Court to sack Dockers who wouldn't discharge Asbestos without protection. Not only did the 'cherry-picking' PAC refuse to investigate but they hid behind the C&AG Seamus McCarthy who told them not to allow me to appear in front of them. I did not know the C&AG could act like a Dictator and control a supposed democratic committee? If Ireland is a democracy I have yet to see any evidence of it. Here is the heading of article at the time.
September 22, 2018
I have sent the documentary evidence of this Union and Employers Court to the PAC and a multitude of TD's and it has been ignored. Why...? In the Mail on Sunday, a so-called newspaper [which like all the supposed newspapers will not print or expose this scandal ] Brendan Griffin TD said about RTE - "There is an element of Mr Bates versus the post office about this". How wrong can Brendan Griffin be? The corruption here encompasses a lot more than our post office - and includes 3 presidents of Ireland including the present one - a multitude of TD, all the leading newspapers including many reporters, E.G Fintan O'Toole, John Lee Alan English and others to numerous to mention. I have recently sent the documentation 'again' to the media minister and the justice minister. No doubt the details of this Irish Corruption will not even be read.
I am making a public appeal to the so-called public representatives in the Dail, to compel the PAC to allow me to appear in front of it - and to present the documentation of the Union corruption to them. If they allow this I will bring Billy Browne, who is suffering from Asbestos poisoning - to validate everything I say. Sadly, his two brothers, Sean and Frankie cannot accompany us - as the Asbestos has killed them both. Anyone interested in this shocking story can open - 'Death Trap On The Docks' on U-Tube, made by UTV about 15 years ago. Sean's widow tells of her life with her dead husband - and how the union didn't want to know anything about her husband's avoidable industrial illness. No wonder. It was the ex Union Chairman who sold out and joined the employers as Labour Controller who ordered the Dockers to discharge it, or be sacked.
In conclusion I must ask this Question - for whom does the PAC and the C&AG represent - is it the wealthy employers and the elite from RTE - or the ordinary Irish People. I look forward to hearing from the PAC and the C&AG and will be very surprised if I do. CORRUPTION RULES IRELAND.
Hugh Murphy