More Clients Does NOT Equal More Money
Jonny Hopkinson
I 100% fund & manage 6-figure cash windfall campaigns for Experts, Coaches & Course Creators (& only get paid AFTER money hits their Stripe account.)
Are you still operating from a “more clients = more money” mindset?
If so,
You’re NOT alone.
Most Fit-pro’s do…especially the “6 figure” guys.
It’s as if any problem feels like it can be solved by getting more clients.
Want better coaches and trainers in your facility? “get more clients”
Want a sales teams and managers? “get more clients”
Want to pay yourself more? “get more clients”
Want less stress? “get more clients”
There’s absolutely no shame in this…
It’s easy to see how this makes sense.
But as long as you’re focused on more clients – you’re getting further and further into the “volume” game.
And there’s one thing I know about the volume game.
It’s fucking stressful.
Here’s why.
Loads of clients means loads of differing opinions and “vampire clients” that complain about the temperature of the water in the water fountain.
No thanks…
Loads of clients means you need loads of management and quality control to try and retain your members and get them results.
No thanks…
Loads of clients means a bigger team which means more overhead and management for you to deal with.
Again…No Thanks.
Not to mention it only leads to a lack of connection with your clients because soon all you see are numbers as opposed to people.
I’m not saying this is a bad model.
It’s just a bad model for certain people who want certain things.
I’m in the game of creating simple businesses, working with only handful of clients that pay 2-5k per month and don’t make you cringe when you see their name on your calendar.
Me and the guys I work with want a fun life with freedom to call it a day at noon on a Wednesday if we feel like it.
All while making 20k-30k per month (In your bank account)
But it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.
Some people are after the mega-gyms and franchise models that require thousands of members, hundreds of trainers and staff members…
And that’s cool.
But for someone who just wants to make 250k – 350k per year with almost no overhead, almost no staff and they want the freedom to have some fun and enjoy the small things in life…
The “volume model” will burn you out quick!
The problem is, most fitness business “guru’s” only teach “more clients” models…
It’s no different than a fitness program.
“More” doesn’t mean better or stronger.
Just because you want to get stronger doesn’t mean you need to increase your workouts to 2 hours instead of 1.
It doesn’t mean you try to go for 20 reps instead of 3.
Yet this is what’s happening in the fitness business space.
Fitpro’s are just wanting to get better and stronger in their biz…
…and instead of focusing on “higher quality” with “heavier pieces”,
...they just add more time, more reps and more exercises with shitty form and gas themselves out thinking their getting stronger when all they’re doing is getting exhausted and burning out.
I get it though.
It’s what’s being taught out there.
Not here though.
Not in my programs.
We get people STRONG by simplifying everything.
Doing less work to make bigger gains.
There’s no “right way”
But there is a “right way for you”
It just depends on what you want my friend.
If you want a simple but profitable business and a fun life and you want to get a glimpse at how my clients are selling 6-8 6k packages per month – comment “IN” below and I’ll shoot you over a free training.
J x