More Clients? More Customers? IT'S ALL IN THE DETAIL!
??Susan Sheehan ??
??Want better results in Business & Life???Check out the 'Visit Our Website' link below: Improve You or Your team's performance in 30 days???30 years global exp. Int'l Speaker/Personal & Professional Coach ??
It’s all in the detail! And if you are a right brained person, you know, big picture, a visionary, heart-cantered and disorganized then ‘the detail’ could be what your biggest gap is in life and business.?I will let you in on a secret, that used to be my problem.?I spent $50,000.00 once to be told my brain didn’t see numbers, that I was disorganized and too nice.?Not a formula for success, so I needed to figure it out. ?One of the first things we all need to do to is identify your weakness and then go about strengthening it.?I started to train my brain to me more organized by keeping my wardrobe clean. Why? Because the way we do one thing is the way we do everything.?It is that unconscious way we live our life: I knew that if I kept my wardrobe tidy that it would eventually role over into other areas of my life, i.e. my office: sure enough before long, and I would like to add, without thinking about it, my office was organized. ?Even today if my wardrobe and bedroom get into disarray, you can almost guarantee, so is my office.?
Strengthening your weakness does not mean that you need to become an expert at it: no one would pay me to show you how to be organized but I can promise you where once a spreadsheet had zero meaning, I now look at numbers every day: and again I had one of those reassuring moments when my coach at the time, said he had never done a spreadsheet, but it is the first thing he looks at every morning.?(And he has built numerous multi-million-dollar companies).
In 2018 I spent 4 days in Sydney in a business training and one of the coaches, who has a multi-million-dollar company: said that when he first set up his business, he had every system in place, processors, and procedures BUT no clients, just the perfect office.?Isn’t it wonderful when you hear stories of individuals who have achieved exceptional success and they have experienced what you and I have experienced or experiencing.?It’s like, there’s hope for me yet! You may know what I am talking about.?
Now, just because you are left brain, or you know someone who is: that doesn’t automatically mean that you or they are great with numbers, organized and get all the detail.?The fact is, whether we are left brained or right brained we only know what we know, and if we need to get better results then, and I have said it before: we need to be comfortable knowing less than what we think we know.
It can all be so confusing, can’t it? The foundation to business are your customers and/or clients, finding them, converting them, nurturing them offering them more.?The life-time value of a client or customer is an x-factor to your business success, and I know you know that it is easier to nurture a client and/or customer than what it is to find a new one and as you can see, again it is all about the numbers.?I think that is why I love the network marketing business model so much (yes, one of our businesses is a network marketing business), because once you have a customer that loves the product, and you nurture them, the lifetime value of that customer is priceless, and the backend is done for you: sales volume, product sales, customers and money: all done for you.?LOVE IT!?Anyway, I am gone off track a little bit here, but I think you get the gist of it: it’s all in the detail!
Our GUEST EXPERT tomorrow morning is Sonia Tafilipepe, Sonia hails from Christchurch, New Zealand, is a successful real estate agent and investor and recently got her Personal Training quals and opened a F45 Fitness Studio: in less than 3 months she doubled her memberships. WOW, how did she do it?
Do you think you could do with more clients or customers??Do you struggle in figuring out all the facts, figures, processors, and procedures? And, then there is the upselling and the repeating of the process.?Do you always do it the same way? So many questions to ask. You will need to join us tomorrow morning with your questions and find out what Sonia’s formula for success is: one thing is for sure you will pick up some tricks, tips and methods that you could use immediately to increase your client and/or customers.?Before tomorrow though, do some math: how many more customers/clients would you like and what does that translate into dollars??
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