For a more Civilized World --- (6) Fulfillment and Peaceful World

For a more Civilized World --- (6) Fulfillment and Peaceful World

Civilized world aims for fairness, peacefulness and fulfillment.

Freedoms should be under civilization. Otherwise, over freedom without civilization can only lead human to mess and barbarous.

God empower human great capability of self-control. Self-control is human’s unique fortune.

However, uncontrolled booming human population brings us huge troubles: global warming, resources overconsumption, environment pollutions, fierce competitiveness, social problems and wars.

To give birth to a new baby is more important than a family decision. It is as prudent as to finish a life. This is not kind to give birth to babies only for parents’ private purposes.

Even if we can be na?ve in making most of our decisions, it doesn’t mean that we can be na?ve in new human life producing.

As parents, if we can’t provide a sufficient preparation for children, we are guilty to bring them to this world. Parents don’t have right to lead them to this world living on chances, like throwing them in the ocean to learn swim or self-rescue. Human with strong emotion is different from animals, which must take strategy to produce mass population to achieve species survive in fighting with fierce nature environment, while keep cold to see our children to pass away in failures. It is not civilized.

Parents may produce many children to secure that one of them can luckily make fortune for their fulfillments. These parents are actually guilty to those unlucky children who can’t have fair love and resources. Parents actually can’t fulfill their hopes by this way.

Parents have the functions to have babies doesn’t mean it is appropriate to use it.

Parents must have self-control and strong sense to understand that giving life to a new human baby is as significant as finish it.

At least parents should make efforts for babies’ good fortune, good moral health, good mental health, good physical health, and good intelligent by all means, such as gene technologies, and fortuneteller sciences.

If we bear babies without considering their happiness, it can’t say that we love them, but hurt them by leaving them suffering in the rest of their lives. We actually hurt them and hurt ourselves. Watching beloved children in suffers is the cruelest thing for parents in this world.

Choosing the roads to have children is choosing a jungle road. Parents won’t feel peace to bring children in a worsening world to fight in mess competitiveness. We have to prepare for unexpected unpleasant situations in in our children’s living roads.

In a civilized human world, population growth should be tenderly controlled.

As an emotional creature, no one is redundant to be ignored. Population control for fairness and peacefulness and fulfillment is significant in civilization.

When one day, the dreams for parents to have super babies with essence genes, to have good destiny, good moral health, (Criminal is actually morally sick), good mental health, good physical health, good intelligence, good looking and are easily fulfilled, parents will give up family genes for super genes.

In the new era, families' private features will be given up for choosing other parents’ outstanding genes like choosing genes from super markets. So babies can have a lot of parents from where their genes are chosen, while crimes and diseases will be stopped by gene treatments.

When technology is advanced enough to have biological wombs to pregnant embryos out of mothers’ bodies, like babies are sent to nurseries at a very earlier stag, which will be easier for gene optimization, health exam, and disease therapies … Women can be liberated from taking high risks for baby producing. If women needn’t pause their career for having babies, male and female will be equal in social activities. Sex discrimination and its related tragedies will be decreased.

Sharing gene babies are trend to be commonly owned. Common babies are loved and educated by whole world. Babies grow up to take care of beloved people who act like their parents.

As super gene will replace family gene, a lot of genetic diseases will be avoided.

Giving birth, raising children, and educating children are so huge and so hard for every family to achieve, because parents’ limited resources, knowledge and constraint capability will influence children’s growth.

Inappropriately educated children could bring endless tragedies to themselves, to families and to the society.

Besides, when families have financial problems, or families are broken, or families have tragedies, or when parents are not well educated themselves, these families will have difficulties in children education. Ill education will lead children to nightmares instead of hopes. It is possible for parents to be hurt by their ill educated children. It is unfair for the children from poverty families, or from broken families to have their miserable destinies because of their ill education. Every child should have fair chances to get optimized education resources.

In a civilized world, common babies are raised and educated by a lot of families or social workers with equal science knowledge, social facilities, and technical equipment

When common babies and common parents are widely accepted, extreme greedy desires for private offspring will decline. God granting us luckiness to win great achievements is not for our privacy honors. Occupying achievements for self-profits just likes corruption.

When children’s family features are weakened, their social liabilities are enriched by their strong genes and education. These common children will love common parents, and caring them with love, respects, appreciation and filial pieties as to their own parents. Parents will take common children as their own children as well. The common children will have outstanding capability and advance technology to balance loading to take care of many common parents. Different essence children can contribute different essences to meet different family requirements in different areas. Super common children can eliminate anxious of common parents after their retirement.

Common children could change the plan of some family to have their own children. It will be unnecessary for every family to have their own babies who are specialized in very narrow areas.

Population reproduce will be controlled.

Resources consumption can be well balanced with reasonable population changes. No wars are needed for world changes.

Global warming can be controlled!

Immoral genes will be changed to kind genes. Kind and moral orientations are going to prevail.

Future education, which will have more professional social functional colleges, will take care of children from their early age in very wide fields. These social education functions will tailor-made for accompanying children, playing games, raising hobbies, developing talents, financing, growth planning, dream fulfilling all the way from their born to their graduation from universities. Children needn’t do the things they don’t like or not good at to cast shadows in their growth.

While children’s talents and hobbies will be kept in schooling, and be applied in their careers. It is easy for them to align their work pressure with their hobbies, and interests to enrich their funs in their career.

In future, everyone can have basic job to maintain living demands, which create numerous job opportunities. This demand maintenance job can be paid by demand organization, which can sale for precise work order to manufactures, while demand creators can get their payment to buy the products with these payment to fulfill their living demand. Everyone can live on own demand. After the living demand products are created and sold to demand creators, manufacture can have profits to hire people for more work orders, while more people can be hired to have jobs and money to maintain high-level demands to improve life quality in social demand system on sports, gaming, touring, hobbies and etc.

The goal of money pursuing will leave way to other life activities, such as family reunion, social, hobbies, and other entertainments. Money will trend to be a tool or figures in human lives. Money related crimes would be decreased.

People with moral genes and crossing gene relation will love each other. People will have less hate, less discrimination, less hurt, and less jealous. Human’s birth, living and death are all taken cared. We need not war to change the world.

Wars will leave limited luck survival people with shortly peace but endless sorrow in darkness. Those unlucky souls won’t leave peace to the world, which bullied them.

Thousand years ago, people start to worry about the future of this world, but people can survive generate after generate as long as the earth is here.

Maybe in one day, people with super gene one day can be superman, who can breathe underwater, can fly, can endure high temperature, and can be frozen.

This world is not good now, but we believe God can always lead us out to bright future. Human needn’t live in desperation.

If the word is civilized to allow us to enjoy the experience of being parents by sharing children, we could give up bear our own children.

In a common children and common parents era, families are still there.

Even if we had a lot of regrets to be born to suffer in our unsatisfied lives, we are ungrateful to leave our parents to struggle by themselves in their last phase of lives. God lead us to our families is for us to get warm and safe, is for us to be grateful and to learn how to love. Human have a lot of tragedies could be related to our ungrateful behavior to our ancestors.

To take good care of elder parents is one of significant mission for human to fulfill.

To abandon elder parents in helpless in their weak time without accompany is crueler than abandon new born babies. No one can love us more than our parents. Their love to us is selfless. There is no excuse to turn down our mission to keep them warm in their chilly phase, if we still take ourselves as human.

Human must be kind to keep a good world. Because when new babies are born, who are blessed by God, are willing to born in a good world. Their hope is our goal.

No one knows how far the world civilization can be.

But we have to try and try to reach...

Now this world is so hard that we can’t have more anguish to hurt each other anymore.

If we are not protecting the civilization of this world, we are going back to barbarous, no one will accept to live in a worsening world.

People are so fragile to live in this world, we fight with so many diseases, and we fight with so many nature disasters. We could have risks from out space. How can we mitigate our limited power by fight each other and weaken each other. Isn't our death destiny not trilling enough to gather human together to keep warmer and get stronger. We have so hard destiny to go through from our birth to our death, we loss one by one of our friends, family members, until our own lives. But if we can value the moment we have and work for a bettering world, we can still enjoy our life and have fewer regrets when we are leaving this world.

Kindness can enlighten the world. Enlightening the hopes of other people can rescue ourselves from slipping into darkness. Love other people is actually love ourselves. No matter how, we can't give up our love to keep us stronger.

We pay our love by getting peace and fulfilled.

In a civilized world, “Love” will replace “Money” and “Peace” will be our “Goal”.

When we leave this world, we like to see our lives continue by seeing our offspring living on well. Fortunately, our worry about their life quality will be eased by seeing them being taken care by more kind people.

Our love to other people as well as the love to us from other people will make us in peace all the way along our living roads. We will leave our best marks to this world to make it better. Humane destiny should not be bloody tragedies. 

Human can't get console from God if human don't want to help each. Only when we can help each other, God will help us to achieve our great fulfillment.

Civilization is cooperating with each other, as well as cooperating with our nature.

There is a saying in China: Harmonious makes family prosperous.

I would like to extend this word to its wider application: Harmonious make the world prosperous. 


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