More Canadians Are Purchasing International Health Insurance: Why?
Many Canadian patients realize that accessing specialized healthcare services for complex issues is very challenging.
The wait list for neurosurgery can be 2 or more years.?Some procedures are not available if you are too old. Some treatments are not approved in Canada.
So the work around for some is to purchase international healthcare insurance.
The buyers are Canadians living in Canada. This is not travel health insurance.
These patients purchase international healthcare insurance from their licensed brokers.
If a healthcare problem arises, then they call the insurer who arranges for the care just about anywhere.
The US is the usual option. There is lots of capacity in the US and many centres of excellence for specialized care.
RCM Health is providing advice for those who have purchased the international health insurance in accessing the best of the best.
RCM Health has extensive experience in selecting US or interntional doctors and centres of excellence.
RCM Health provides the advice and advocacy services. The insurer writes the cheque.
It is somewhat ironic that these dollars are going to US doctors and US hospitals. But that is the consequence of single payor healthcare system that prohibits private healthcare insurance.
At least for now.